(no subject)

Apr 10, 2011 16:59

WHO: Alpha, Child Buffy
WHEN: **backdated to last day of flood**
WHERE: Child Buffy's room
RATED: R - violence
NOTES: Since LJ was being picky, done in IM chat, separated with ***

Buffy didn't feel much like playing today. She'd made some really good fun friends but she didn't want to play superhero anymore. Last night she'd had a really bad scary dream that she knew wasn't just a dream.. That it was real. She was gonna grow up to be a Slayer and a big scary vampire was gonna kill her. It was a lot to handle for a little girl. She'd put all of the swords and stuff back in the chest and she'd removed her "cape" and stuffed it back in the drawer. Clutching her stuffed pig, she was sitting on her bed and trying not to fall asleep, coloring on a piece of paper with crayons. She was drawing a pig and a bunch of flowers. The door was unlocked.


All of these children running around the ship was ...disgusting. This wasn't the plan. Alpha stormed down the corridors of the ship. What next- Hoffman wanting to play jump rope? A child ran by. "MOVE." He hated children. Furthermore, it wasn't something Alpha was expecting, to say the least. Luckily for him, he had the personality package that all too perfect for this little hiccup in his plans.

Danny. Your name is Danny.

Alpha's doom and gloom lifted away and suddenly he became a bright, smiling person full of happiness as another child scampered down the corridor.

"Careful there, sport! --Hey-hey!! No Running!" He called out, painfully cheerful. It was none other than the father package. He laughed a bit as he went to check on his....  daughter. Yes, that was her wasn't it? It was all a bit foggy. He wanted to be his best- a father. He knew she was here, somewhere on this ship. He needed to protect her. She had posted pictures about devils and her bad dreams. This was no place for a child.

Without knowing how he had gotten there, he arrived to a door that he knew was Buffy's door. Yes, that was her name.... He shook his head. Everything seemed unclear and scrambled- perhaps one too many root beer floats the night before.

"Buffy? Honey? Are you in there?" He said sweetly as he cracked the door open slightly to poke in his head.


Buffy looked up, slightly startled, her eyes growing a little wide. She didn't recognize him. And he knew her name. But he was one of the only adults she'd met here, and she had already broken mommy's rule of never talking to strangers... Anyway, mom and dad weren't here and she had scary dreams and that guy who wore lots of question marks had to come help her last night. This guy poking his head in her room seemed nice enough, so she smiled, even though she was a little nervous.

"Hi. Who are you?" She tilted her head to one side.


She looked afraid. Danny was immediately concerned.

"Buffy.... why are you afraid?" He tried to remember why they were both on his ship... but he couldn't remember. He tried to remember anything about their past but it was all... a blur. It made him feel slightly sick to his stomach, but he ignored it. Buffy now was all that mattered.

"What's wrong, kiddo?" He stepped and closed the door behind him, and discreetly locked it.

"It's this place again, isn't it?" He crouched down to her level. "I know. I don't like it either." He kept trying to think of his connection to her. He thought at first he was her father but.... that much was wrong. But something connected them- that much he knew.

"My name's Danny. I'm here to... I'm here to be your Big Brother. Is that okay?"


Buffy watched him with still-wide eyes and listened. He seemed really nice and good. And at this point, she didn't want to take care of herself anymore. She wanted her parents. She'd even be happy to see baby Dawn. Buffy nodded in response. At her decision to trust him, Buffy couldn't fight back a yawn. She was so sleepy. Maybe with Danny here she'd be able to go to sleep and he'd keep her safe.

"Yeah, okay." Buffy smiled a little, and hugged her pig closer to her chest. "Do you wanna color?"


He watched her yawn and her eyes turn to a hopeful trust. Danny smiled.

"I love coloring!" He said, standing once again to grab for her the crayons and paper that she had somehow already found on the ship. "But! I have a rule. Nothing scary. Let's draw home, okay? So we can pin it to the door." He smiled, sitting once again on the floor. "After that, maybe we can grab some hot cocoa and I can tell you a bedtime story." He passed her the paper and crayons, feeling that strange feeling bubble more within his gut.


Buffy's little smile turned into a grin. Yay, a nice fun adult who would play with her and help her sleep! Putting Mr. Gordo down next to her she grabbed a blank piece of paper and put it in front of him, then pushed the crayons between them.

"Okay!" Buffy started drawing a house with all of the skill of a 6 year old. "What does your home look like?"


Danny smiled, happy to see that she was feeling more at ease. He picked up a purple crayon and began to draw his house from home. Home was a nice place....

"It's nice. Very serene... do you know what that word means?" Of course she didn't. He smiled as he drew, somewhat absentmindedly. "It means calm. Happy. A place where nothing could hurt you." He picked up another crayon and began to draw details. He looked over at her drawing, nodding at the house. "Very good!" He turned his around and showed her his. "My house looks like this."


Buffy smiled and nodded when he explained what serene meant. She'd finished her house and was drawing her family now. Mom, dad, her, and baby Dawn.

"That's cool. Mine is really noisy now cause of Dawn. She cries a lot."

Buffy looked at Danny's picture and made a confused-face.

"That's weird. It looks like a spider! Or a big eyeball." She teased, wrinkling her nose and smiling.


"I...." He looked at what he drew, not recognizing it as anything he knew. "It's home."

That feeling churned and bubbled more, like a snake coiling around itself. "So how about that hot cocoa, hmm? And that bedtime story!" He could feel his hair standing on the back of his neck - he tried to ignore it by changing the subject.

"Do you like stories?"


She finished her drawing and stood up, much happier now that she had a grown-up friend. Everything felt less scary. Danny was a little weird but he was nice and she felt safe. Maybe she would be able to sleep if he told a good enough story, and if he stayed with her.

"Yeah! My daddy tells me stories sometimes when he's home in time for me to go to bed." Buffy hopped on her bed and pulled the covers back. "What kinda stories do you know?" Her smile faded a little when she remembered that one story her dad told her that scared her. He didn't mean to, but the thought of elves hiding under her bed, even if they were nice elves, just creeped her out. "Don't make it scary," she added in a quiet voice.


"I know all kinds of stories! Stories about princesses and pirates and.... pirate princesses, yarr!!" He said in a playful voice, covering up one eye with his hand as he walked over to her bed.

"Tell you what, I'll start the story and every once in a while I'll have you give a word so that way we can both tell the story! How about that?"


Buffy giggled happily at his pirate impression. Her smile came back and she put herself under the covers and got comfortable, holding Mr. Gordo again and trying to contain her excitement.

"That sounds fun! I'm ready!"


"Once upon a landlubber's time, in a far away sea" He began in the pirates voice, "Thar be a pirate princess, a princess named ....."




"And that princess was the best pirate princess in all the seven seas- ye knew it because of her smell. You see, the smellier the princess, the more b'utiful she be. She smelled exactly like a bucket of......"


"Broccoli!" she giggled, scrunching her nose up and looking rather grossed out, but finding all of this very, very fun.


"Aye! And for that she was the envy of all of other pirate wenches."


"Did she have a sword?" She asked, bouncing a little.


"A sword! Aye! She had seven! All tucked in secret hiding places that she'd use to thwart her enemies.... the clan of the tickle ninjas. She had a sword down each leg, a dagger in each armpit,  down her back, one on her belt and one......"


"In her beautiful hair!" Buffy was enjoying this, very, very much. Pirates weren't the same as superheroes. It was a safe topic.


"Oh, and what a good hidin' spot it be! Now, there is one thing that ye should know about pirates and ninjas. See, Pirates and ninjas hate each other! Oh, how ye loathe 'em. See, Pirates hate to be tickled. And the ninjas... well, they can't handle the smell of the stinky pirate. "

Danny's face twitched. It was growing impatient. Whatever it was, it wanted out. It wasted rage and blood and everything that Danny simply couldn't fathom or understand. He swallowed, feeling as if his mouth was full of cotton.

"One day, Princess Joan, who smelled of broccoli, equipped all seven swords and took to her ship and bellowed at the top of her lungs "Git up you yellow bellied plague rats! Today we take on the tickle ninjas!"


Fighting a giggling fit, she looked at Danny with a big smile. "I like this story."


"Good." He said, tucking a strand hair of Buffy's behind her ear.  "I'm glad, Buffy."

"After all that you've been through..." Danny smiled down at the girl. "Now, where were we? Oh yes-- Princess Joan, yelling at her pirate brethern to wake up.... Unfortunately, it was too late, for the ninjas were waiting!!"

"Haiiiiiiiii-ya!" Danny began to tickle Buffy, making karate fighting noises as he did. Finally, Alpha burst to the surface. He kept tickling Buffy, switching to tickling with just one hand, grabbing the alarm clock on Buffy's bedside table with the other.

Alpha stopped tickling. "Goodnight, Buffy." He raised the alarm clock and brought it down onto Buffy's head with a sick thump.


Buffy was laughing even before the tickling started. Now it was a bunch of giggles and screams and squirming. She had no idea what was about to happen, and when she saw the alarm clock, it was too late. There was a hard, sudden pain on her head and then everything went black.


Alpha, much to his surprise, also lost consciousness and slumped down onto the bed, sliding off and landing on the floor.

alpha, buffy summers

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