(no subject)

Mar 20, 2011 23:12

Who: David, Elphaba Thropp, Jason Bourne, Wally West, OTA
What: Day One on the Barge, commence freakout in 10.. 9...
When: Shortly after Rex's nanomite-riffic rampage.
Where: Barge hallway, ravaged by battle.
Warnings: Language, probable possible violence

He had been expecting a prison. He had been expecting taunting inmates, smirking wardens. What he hadn't expected was to find himself in a scene straight out of Dante's Inferno.

Even to David's weak human senses, it was obvious something big had just happened. Big and bloody. A riot, maybe? Some sort of mutiny? He smirked at the thought. Leave it to him to arrive the day everything went straight to hell.

One thing was clear to him: whatever had caused this bloody scene, it wasn't something he wanted to run into. He'd seen some pretty brutal battles during his brief time with the Animorphs, and not one of them had left this kind of carnage in its wake. Walking around as a human was clearly suicide, but what to morph? The lion was the best weapon in his arsenal, but stealthy it was not. Better to keep his option open.

Cautiously, the Animorph proceeds down the hallway, stopping at corners and glancing around them before proceeding.

wally west, david harris, elphaba thropp, dick grayson, jason bourne

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