
Mar 17, 2011 20:13

Who: Perry Dawsey, Hayley Stark, Jonathan Crane [CLOSED]
When: Starting late last night and extending until Sunday afternoon.
Where: Deck, then CES
What: Hayley is nanomited to hate Crane and has an arsenal at her disposal, as well as a warden item. Perry owes Hayley a favor, but would probably chip in for free. aka: KIDNAPPING.
Warnings: Potential ( Read more... )

hayley stark, perry dawsey, jonathan crane/scarecrow

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hatestriangles March 18 2011, 05:43:40 UTC
Perry arrived on deck not long after Hayley, his expression relatively blank except for his lowered eyebrows. Despite how much he hated Crane - and yes, he did hate the man an awful lot - he wasn't as gung-ho for this as Hayley seemed to be. He'd never really been one for calculated violence. Exploding in rage, sure, but this just seemed cold. For one thing, it definitely wasn't in the spirit of the deal he and Crane had struck over dinner a couple weeks ago, and somehow he doubted he'd get any more information out of the other man after knocking him out and leaving him to Hayley. And speaking of Hayley, she seemed... off. It wasn't that he cared for her sake, but he was getting a sinking feeling like in those rare times when the enemy offense got a perfect touchdown play lined up and Perry hadn't spotted until it was already far too late to change his tactics. He felt like he'd been played, or was about to be, and the fact that he couldn't tell if that feeling was coming from Hayley or from the general atmosphere of fucked-up that ( ... )


victimofnoone March 18 2011, 06:47:45 UTC
"Aw, look at you, all brooding and stuff. It's kind of cute." Hayley's head flopped to the side to look up at him, a perfectly content smile on her face for what they were about to do. She walked the short distance to the warden only area, the item unlocking the door for her with a simple movement. Pressing the door open, she glanced around to be certain and then looked back over to Perry. "You wait in here, behind the door. I'll walk in first, then Crane. As soon as he's in front of you, you knock him out. Do I need to tell you how to do that too or do you think you can manage?"

There was an inherent confidence in her that wasn't usually there and her entire posture and focus were nearly the opposite of the last time they'd spoken, when she'd dropped the alcohol off to his room. The girl was nearly bristling with energy and all too eager to set her plan in motion.


hatestriangles March 18 2011, 07:24:05 UTC
Perry sneered as she turned her back, his lips curling. His fingers clenched into tight fists. Oh, she rubbed him the wrong fucking way sometimes and he knew she knew it. But he swallowed the worst of his anger and followed her to the door. He was keeping track of how many times she disrespected him; some day soon, he'd have to teach her exactly why that was a bad, bad idea. But not now. Right now he just wanted to get this done.

"Yeah, I think I can manage," he said, his tone filled with sarcastic derision, cracking his knuckles loudly. He barely glanced at Hayley as he went through the door, though he did get close to her, a little warning emphasis on their comparative heights and builds. He turned when he was inside, raising his brows and gesturing at the warden item she'd used to let them in. "So where'd you get the item? You got your warden tied up back in your room or something?"


victimofnoone March 18 2011, 07:37:27 UTC
Unfortunately, Hayley was fairly oblivious right now to the amount of danger she faced by even working with Perry, let alone teasing him. She had begun to catch on as her normal self, but now she was so busy with Crane and not caring much that she didn't give it a second thought. His size would normally be intimidating, but now it was only a benefit to her scheme. That was all she needed.

At his questions, she leaned on the door and give him another coy smile, this one slightly more sadistic than the last. "Maybe."

It was a lie, of course, but she still didn't want to admit to him being in a coma and it gave her a better reputation anyway. With one last arrogant and playful tilt of her head, she shifted to close the door behind her with nonchalance in order to step back out onto the deck. It gave Perry another moment to say something if he wanted, or time to intervene, but otherwise locked him in the warden areas and hoped he wouldn't screw everything up.


hatestriangles March 18 2011, 07:48:17 UTC
Perry wouldn't have believed her at all a couple days ago, but the new attitude, plus the revelation that she'd murdered people before... It was hard to tell if she was telling the truth or not. So he didn't bother trying, and just rolled his eyes at her instead. His tone was clinical, his voice a deep growl. "Just distract Crane. I knock him out, drag him to the CES for you, then we're even."

And Perry let the door shut. He moved to its side, where he'd be hidden whenever the two inmates came through. He hoped he be able to knock Crane out in one hit. Depended where he landed it, of course, but maybe, if he got it right, the other man wouldn't even know what had hit him.


doctor_j_crane March 18 2011, 08:02:52 UTC
Crane walked up the last few stairs to the deck slowly. He hadn't bothered to tell Eames where he was going. Really, what did it matter? It was Hayley. Even if things didn't go well, she'd just talk at him again. And really, there was no way Crane wanted to explain all of that to Eames.

Crane saw more or less instantly that Hayley was alone on the deck. He started to walk towards her, hands in pockets. Hopefully they'd be able to come to some sort of agreement. Her moodiness had been getting to him lately. He only had one 'friend' in terms of the fact that he wasn't necessarily always angling to get something off her. And that type of 'friend' seemed fairly necessary for graduation.


victimofnoone March 18 2011, 08:13:34 UTC
"Hey," Hayley offered as soon as she saw Crane. They were close enough for him to probably tell there was something just a little bit off about her, but she wore a sincere smile and a nonchalance free from the arrogance she'd displayed to Perry moments before; after all, Hayley had grown up playing a part. She moved forward a few steps, looking very much the same as usual minus a slight poise.

"I'm sorry, alright? But!" When Crane came closer, she held up the end of Capa's item, the Icarus command, and lifted an eyebrow with a devious little smirk. "I want to make it up to you."


doctor_j_crane March 18 2011, 08:23:05 UTC
Crane looked a little too happy to see him. Crane thought it was strange, but still walked up to her. She was probably going to apologize, he decided. The smile looked nervous to him. It was a good development. As far as Crane was concerned, she owed him an apology or two.

Crane couldn't help but look approving at the sight of the warden item. It was pretty obvious what it was. There was no other reason to be pleased about such a small trinket. Unless it was one that could get them into the greenhouse or the lab, if they wanted. Even if Crane didn't necessarily intend to do anything wrong in either of those places, having the ability to potentially have a look around was excellent.

"Is that Capa's item or someone elses?" Crane guessed. If Capa was still in a coma, it made sense that it would be easy to steal his item.


victimofnoone March 18 2011, 08:48:50 UTC
Hayley nodded as he approached, rolling on her feet and then moving toward the warden area. She had a kind of energy in her steps akin to the best of her moods, the rare kind she hadn't found on the Barge for a long time. With a mischievous smirk, she spoke with all the casual excitement in the world, as if they hadn't been fighting and she wasn't filled with rage at the sight of him. Was he always so reserved? Did his left shoulder always sink a half inch below his right like that? She hated it. She hated him.

"Capa's, but I also have access to the laaaaab." She practically sang the last word, teasing him just a little. The kind of teasing that would fit for trying to make amends as much as for kidnapping.

The inmate stepped over toward the door, lifting the item to unlock the door and then pushing it only a little open, giving Perry a very subtle warning of their approach. "Come on. I want to apologize for acting like such a bitch lately."


doctor_j_crane March 18 2011, 09:00:27 UTC
Hayley was acting strange, to say the least. Had she been drinking? If she had, there was no obvious physical signs of it. Still, a chance to go in the lab was a chance to go in the lab. Crane wanted to see what was there. And despite himself, he wanted to see where Capa was currently at in his research.

"The lab sounds excellent. Although it's too risky to attempt to make anything there." There was too much chance of being caught. Crane ordinarily would have been worried about Eames' opinion of it as well, but he wasn't much in the mood to consider that after his last conversation with Eames.

"You were emotional about Capa." Crane shrugged slightly, following Hayley over to the door. She might have been affected by Loki as well. "It happens."


victimofnoone March 18 2011, 09:07:00 UTC
Hayley pressed forward, opening the door about halfway to make her way inside the warden hall, holding the door open for Crane. Her eyes never drifted toward Perry in the slightest, looking forward the entire time minus one glance back to Crane. There was always the possibility of getting caught, despite the late hour, but she had a good feeling about all of this and confidence that the abusive asshole would get what he deserved. Soon.

"I can show you some of Capa's research at least. I organize it for him, so I know where everything is." It was true, even if she played it off with such nonchalance it could have as easily been a lie masked as a truth. The girl could be convoluted when she tried. "I was. I mean, I still am? A little bit? But there's nothing I can do, so I can't just stop living."

She moved forward as Crane followed her, clearing the door and continuing down the hall, trusting Perry to do his thing.


doctor_j_crane March 18 2011, 09:12:07 UTC
The fact that Hayley knew about the research was going to save a great deal of time. It was fortunate - Crane didn't want to risk staying in the lab longer than necessary. There was too much chance of being caught. Too many wardens used the lab too often.

"It can only help." Crane said, referring to the research. "And Capa should come out of the coma soon enough. If he isn't gone, he'll probably wake up. It's one of the few things that we can really rely on the Admiral to do. Even more so when it's wardens."

Crane stepped through the doorway and followed Hayley a few paces. Talking to her and walking, it didn't occur to him to look to the side.


hatestriangles March 18 2011, 09:26:04 UTC
Perry had been thinking about the best place to hit Crane while he half-listened to Hayley talking to him outside As far as he knew? A hard punch to the jaw or the temple would be the most likely to put him down without a fuss and without putting him out for good. The big ex-linebacker stretched, his neck, his shoulders, his back, limbering up for the right kind of blow. He stilled as Hayley's voice got louder and the door opened. He barely even breathed. Hopefully this would go off without a hitch so he could get out of here.

Hayley came through first, never even throwing the tiniest glance Perry's way, then Crane. Perry gritted his teeth. Wait, wait... and now.

He burst from behind the door with all the strength and speed he possessed. He threw the punch in the same motion, aiming his big fist directly at the corner of Crane's chin. If the hit landed, Crane wouldn't be getting up.


doctor_j_crane March 18 2011, 09:30:10 UTC
Crane barely had enough time to realize that someone was right behind him before the blow landed. It hit the mark directly and hard. Crane was on the floor more or less instantly and very, very unconscious.


victimofnoone March 18 2011, 09:37:02 UTC
Hayley turned around as soon as she heard movement, just in time to see Perry's form dwarfing Crane and to see her former friend crumple to the ground. She gave the former football star an impressed smile, which evolved shortly thereafter into a twisted smirk. This was going perfectly and she was glad, despite no explicit instruction, that Perry hadn't whacked Crane across the head and given him a concussion; that would have been the last thing she needed.

"Pick him up. Help me carry him into the CES, then you can go. Please." The please had just a hint of mocking to it, subtle enough that she could reasonably deny it should he ask. She glanced around to ensure there were still no wardens in sight, waiting for Perry to pick up the body, then began making her way toward the stairs to get to the CES.


hatestriangles March 18 2011, 09:50:01 UTC
"I already told you, I don't want to stay while you do whatever the fuck you're going to do. If he didn't see me, do me a favor and don't tell him who helped you," Perry said, before he stooped to pick up Crane's limp body. It wasn't hard to lift the man; he was skinny and Perry could easily brench-press more than he weighed. He hefted Crane over his shoulder in a rough approximation of a fireman's carry and paused to continue speaking. "I'm doing this to pay you back, but once he's there, it's done. I don't want my fucking name to come up. You might regret it if it does."

And then he followed her up the stairs, not particularly hampered by carrying another guy over his shoulder. He wanted out of here, and fast. Just because they hadn't run into another warden yet didn't mean they wouldn't any any minute, and if not them, what about Crane's warden himself?


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