Get Out Your Paintbrushes, Boys and Girls (ART ROOM TIME!)

Mar 05, 2011 01:18

Who: Holmes, his models (T-X, Drake, Sgt. Donowitz, and MYSTERY!), any interested students, observers, and anyone who feels like waltzing in to see what's going on and wants to crash the party.
Where: Art Room
When: Within a two week period of this post*
Warnings: Swearing (probably) and nudity (can you handle it?)

{OoC: *The dates for each session with a model (or Holmes demonstrating something or what have you) are not set in stone due to how hard it would be to work that all out. SO as long as you were around at some point during this time, feel free to say you were there. It's all very timey-wimey here.

Feel free to jump in any thread, or make your own. Talk to other students, bug Holmes, observe-Holmes needs to belittle a student horribly at some point, one who isn't a painter and can take the emotional abuse, so if you are interested in that let me know. This post covers only painting, as there is no music stuff in the art room yet, that will be next post. Lastly, don't worry about taking an age to get to this post, it's all together here to make it simple and easy to find but since it occurs over a span of time hit it up any time.

ETA: This is before Holmes becomes Evil Nanomite™ Holmes, unless you want his to be for a certain session, for extra funtimes.}

sherlock holmes

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