(no subject)

Mar 04, 2011 14:05

Who: Will Graham & Mark Hoffman.
What: Chatting in that special way only potentially psycho cops can.
Where: Third floor common room.
When: Today. Afternoon.
Rating: PG. Probably language, but will update if necessary.

This probably wasn't a good idea. The man was clearly crazed, a ticking time bomb. Whatever intelligence Hoffman had was surpassed by his depression. That and general insanity. Yet Will decided to go and meet with him. Talk him down from his mental state. Despite the desire to help, he wasn't foolish. He brought with him a his Colt .45. The stun gun given to him by Trip remained in his room. In some primal language, Will knew it wasn't intimidating enough. If Hoffman went for him, a bullet would command respect where a laser would not.

He arrived at the common room shortly after sending his last message. He hadn't been out of his room in days, probably weeks, meals excluded. Normally, that's how he preferred life, but the Barge was getting to him. His room seemed claustrophobic. The irony of coming out of his room to meet someone else's inmate, and not another warden, was not lost on him. He really needed to expand his social circle.

Will waited, standing by one of the chairs, for Hoffman's arrival.

mark hoffman, will graham

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