Time to Talk

Feb 13, 2011 01:36

Who: Cissie and Molly
When: Saturday night
Where: Molly's room
What: They've had a few days and now it's time to deal with all of that telepathic secret-sharing.
Warnings: None!

Cissie was out of Molly's room almost as soon as the flood ended, and they had spent the days since giving each other plenty of space. It's one thing to spend time with your best friend; it's another thing entirely to be forced to spend two days hearing one another's every thought. There were some things Cissie really hadn't meant for Molly to find out like that. She could keep putting off talking to her, but she knew it wouldn't do any good, so she headed for Molly's room, knocking before she could lose her nerve.

cissie king-jones, molly carpenter

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