blondes >:|

Feb 02, 2011 23:42

Who: Shego & Cissie
Where: The gym
When: Afternoonish
What: Girl bonding? Oh god help.

Shego was bored.  Since her normal pastime - bugging Kirk - would have involved talking to a comatose body like she was some kind of crazy person, next on her mental list was the gym.  (Tim had yet to register on this list, which was probably for the best, because the day she came to regard him as a hobby would be the day she killed him and then herself.)  A quick change into her gym gear and she headed down the hallway, already registering the sounds of exertion from within the room ahead. She heaved a bit of a mental sigh but reached out to push the door open; maybe she and whoever else was in there could just keep to their own sides of the room or something.

shego, cissie king-jones

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