What better way to spend a birthday...

Feb 02, 2011 15:27

Who: Hayley and Capa
When: Tonight, after dinner
Where: The pub
Warnings: Probably not

Capa took the stairs two at a time as he headed up to the wardens only area. He was a little late getting to her, but it wasn't intentional. His dinner had been quick, but he had spent most of the time in his little corner of the lab, getting everything together. There was a lot to do and he was having a great time just...sitting around, doing calculations. Honestly, if he could do that forever, then he'd be happy. But he had promised Hayley and he was looking forward to the break.

They had spent too long on these tough topics and he knew that they would have to address even more soon enough. But this...this was fine. He wanted this as an escape.

Spotting his inmate, he jogged up to her and took his item from around his neck.


robert capa, hayley stark

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