Who: The Doctor and Claudia!
Where: Closed Ecological System
When: Backdated to January 30th, evening.
What: Warden/Inmate meet and greet.
Warnings: Probably nothing to worry about. Could be some mischief with Claudia trying to bite Nine. :| omnomnomtimelordblood
The Doctor arrived at Claudia's door precisely when he said he would. 'Less than an hour.' He didn't try to make statements to anyone that he'd be anywhere at a specific time. Like 9:45, or 10:10. He always knew he'd get distracted along the way, and he knew that time passed so slowly when he wasn't in the TARDIS, and so quickly when he was. So, true to his word, the Doctor knocked on Claudia's door three times before crossing his arms and putting on a gleeful smile. His first inmate, a vampire. All good and well, he supposed. It wasn't like these sort of vampires were anything like Great Vampires. And the Doctor was never one for falling in line with Time Lord traditions and racial prejudices. In any case, the war with the Great Vampires may have been horrible, but it was nothing compared to the Last Great Time War...
Flipping that thought away, the Doctor started to think of a large number of things, but kept the idea of Claudia and her unique state at the front of his mind. How she was turned into a vampire as a child. The life she had lived, the unlife that followed, and the things that would likely be hidden behind her deceivingly-young looking eyes. He waited impatiently, rocking on his heels, fiddling with his sonic inside of his jacket pocket, and looking up, around, and at everything in the hallway.