Who: Olivia, Dick, Wally, anyone. Drop by for coffee unannounced so she can play with the grinder.
Where; Surburbia.
What: Trying to be domestic.
When: Whenever you like.
Olivia was staring at the sink. It was piled high with dishes. A casserole dish from what looked like a couple of days ago was stewing, bubbles forming on the surface like it hadn't be touched in at least twenty four hours. This wasn't a good start to things. Not even she, the queen of household disorganisation left things to fester for that long. Okay, she had a diswasher in her old apartment but that wasn't the point.
She looked at it again before turning away to look our of the window. Another beautiful day in what looked like paradise. A hellish surburban paradise. Olivia grimaced.
She'd looked over the house. From what she could tell after such a short time of looking they seemed perfect. A handsome husband and a cute, if not slightly deranged looking child. They shared a bed, the kid liked race cars. The Husband was a cop, she was a stay at home mom with artistic asperations if she'd read the hand painted picture that hung above their fireplace correctly. There was a door leading into the basement that was locked, she hadn't tried to get in yet. The liquer cabinet was fully loaded and they had wonderbread in the cuboard.
No dishwasher though. Fantasic.