
Jan 19, 2011 01:24

Who: Ariadne and Cooper
What: Ariadne's moving furniture and Cooper doesn't approve. Mostly because he can hear it.
When: Wednesday morning. Ariadne's an early riser.
Where: Ariadne's room/the hallway.
Warnings:LOLNO. Just fun stuff mostly. Lazylog because D is lazy.

Things weren't in the right place. )

ariadne, william cooper

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fuckyoucynthia January 19 2011, 06:50:00 UTC
Spectacularly. It also happened to be the wall that his bed was pressed against, which was where Cooper was lounging, reading over his notes. He'd compiled a lot of them, by now, but all that God damn banging and shuffling and - what the hell was she doing over there? Whatever it was, it was giving him a headache.

So he reached up and pounded a fist against the wall.


physicslol January 19 2011, 14:48:05 UTC
Ariadne paused when she heard the pounding on the wall, staring at that wall for a couple moments. Had she just imagined that? Quietly, she took a couple steps around her bureau and gently knocked back. Perhaps she was indeed being too loud with moving things around.


fuckyoucynthia January 19 2011, 15:56:57 UTC
Frowning at his notes as he heard that tap tap back, Cooper pinched the bridge of his nose briefly before reaching over his shoulder and banging his fist against the wall again. He was tempted to spell it out in morse - but he doubted she knew that.


I'm so sorry. I missed this. :cc physicslol January 20 2011, 05:10:05 UTC
Ariadne frowned at the wall, spreading her palm along it before pressing her ear to it. This was so strange. Sure, there were twenty rooms in one hallway, but she hadn't thought that there was a chance that her bureau would happen to be along Cooper's wall. What were those chances? Carefully, she shifted and tried to pull the bureau away from the wall but it unfortunately rocked back and hit the wall harder than before.

"Sorry!" she called through, wondering if he'd be able to hear that too.


No worries! <333 fuckyoucynthia January 20 2011, 05:50:57 UTC
Oh, Christ. Coopered closed his eyes and pressed his fingers against them, tempted to throw down his notes and start banging his bed against the wall. Instead, he lifted one hand over his head, pounding his fist against the wall slowly, like he was trying to convey a message to someone who just didn't get it.

"Keep it down!" He shouted back, trying to find his place.


aaaaand again. sorry! physicslol January 25 2011, 14:49:20 UTC
Ariadne swallowed and successfully pulled the bureau away from the wall. That was a tad embarrassing.

"Sorry," she apologized again as she worked on attempting to half-lift the bureau, but it was far too heavy for her.


No worries! <3 fuckyoucynthia January 25 2011, 17:04:22 UTC
That was going to end poorly. And it was going to end with more banging, and a headache for Cooper. Fuck. Listening to her struggle for a moment, he threw down his notes again before getting up and walking out his door to knock on her's.


Also, I really dig that icon, man. physicslol January 26 2011, 01:11:12 UTC
Ariadne felt her heart drop into her chest at his knock on the door. She'd been making far too much noise and that embarrassment struck her deep. She wasn't at all the public type; she felt no need to make scenes or exaggerate. So, the architect moved slowly over to the door, pulling the sleeves of her shirt down over the red marks the bureau had made in her arms.

"I'm really sorry," she spoke as she opened the door, sheepish in posture and in tone.


I found it and flailed. c: fuckyoucynthia January 26 2011, 05:37:17 UTC
Cooper frowned down at her, vague annoyance on his face. "Just tell me this isn't some stupid feng shui crap." Or that annoyance would double. He glanced into her room, over her head. "What the hell are you banging against my wall?"


:D physicslol January 26 2011, 16:47:33 UTC
Ariadne paled a little further, tucking her hair behind her ear. This was embarrassing. So incredibly embarrassing. She thought she would be sick on the spot.

"It isn't feng shui, I'm just trying to move it so it feels more like home," she replied before swallowing. "The bureau was the last thing."

She could almost feel her face getting red. This was almost as bad as when Arthur had asked her why she'd put a train through the middle of a downtown intersection when she very much hadn't.


And and and I just ordered the movie so there will be ~new icons~ in the near future! fuckyoucynthia January 26 2011, 17:35:45 UTC
Was she blushing? Cooper resisted the urge to roll his eyes, but barely. He spotted the bureau over her head and snorted, though. "It's twice your size. Where are you moving it?" The faster it got done, the faster he'd get back to studying every note he'd made on the Barge and its people. And then maybe he wouldn't have to resign himself to being stuck here.


OMG I AM EXCITE. Also, I'm chlilin in lab. Waiting to use the luminometer. BE JELUS LOL. physicslol January 26 2011, 17:41:50 UTC
Ariadne carefully glanced over at the bureau before gesturing over at the opposite wall where her desk and drafting board had been moved from. All of the drawers had already been removed and the thing was still far heavier than she could imagine.


SO JEALOUS I have no idea what that is, though. :C fuckyoucynthia January 26 2011, 23:12:31 UTC
He eyed the bureau, and the distance he wanted to move it. Hell. "May I?" He wasn't about to push past her into her room, though it was tempting.


It's a machine that measures how much these little bacteria are glowing. They were glowing a lot. C: physicslol January 28 2011, 17:47:19 UTC
Ariadne nodded quietly and stepped to the side, not quite sure if she even had the right to refuse him when she'd clearly disturbed the quiet.

"Yeah, sure, go ahead," she replied aloud, albeit a little nervously.


...WOAH that is kind of awesome. Now I am jealous. :c fuckyoucynthia January 29 2011, 05:16:12 UTC
As far as he was concerned, she didn't. He didn't think she was stupid enough to refuse the help, though, so he stepped in, glad he'd already loosened his tie as he bent forward and put his shoulder into the bureau. It moved a hell of a lot more easily for him, and soon it was against the other wall. "Here?"


Hahaha. YAY SCIENCE. physicslol January 29 2011, 19:53:10 UTC
Ariadne closed the door behind him, tucking some of her hair behind her ear as she followed him inside. Wow that took way less time than she expected. She smiled brightly at him.

"Yeah, thank you," she truly was grateful for the help. "Sorry for waking you."


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