Who: Rassilon and Narvin
What: Narvin reporting in
Where: level 5 room 18 (Rassilon's cabin)
When: today
Warnings: (abusive boss/employee relationship from hell?) none
Narvin put aside the tunic and trousers of the field uniform and opted for the more formal black and white robes for his meeting with Lord Rassilon. He'd served under four presidents (five if one counted Braxiatel's very brief time in office) but Lord Rassilon had been the only one he'd ever feared, the only one he was reluctant to cross.
He didn't have far to go, just two doors down from his own rooms. He paused for a few nanospans outside Lord Rassilon's cabin, rearranging and repartitioning his mind as much from nervous habit as from a real need to ensure that he said the right words and thought the right thoughts while in the president's presence.
Identity of loyal Coordinator firmly in place, he rapped on the door.