Who: Donny and O'Brien. They're neighbors, dontcha know.
Where: The Level 1 corridor
When: Backdated to yesterday, we'll say...early in the morning
What: O'Brien is a jerk to Sveta. The boyfriend intervenes in a violent-kind of way.
Warnings: Brief but brutal violence. And some cussin'.
Donny had been looking for O'Brien. He'd been on the prowl since leaving Sveta, having stuck around for a while after she had opened the guy's really cruel Christmas present. He had the gift too - the blackout curtains were locked away in his cabin, sort of waiting for Donny to do something with them. He kept the note in his pocket though. It was a reminder for him to keep that rage going; when it waned all he needed to do was pull the slip of paper from his pocket and reread it to make his blood start boiling again.
He wandered down the corridor very, very slowly, anticipating that O'Brien would head from his cabin in order to do something. Get breakfast, go to work, head off to torment somebody else. The usual stuff for the guy.