
Nov 18, 2010 02:14

Who: Franklin, Capa, Hayley. [Closed].
What: Not content with hand-outs-that-clot, Franklin searches elsewhere.
Where: Art room.
When: Nighttime.
Note: Forward-dated to Thursday.
Rating: R. Blood and death.

It had been four nights since he had his last drink. )

robert capa, franklin mott, hayley stark

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victimofnoone November 18 2010, 07:22:36 UTC
Hayley ran her hands over the cabinets and shelves, all consumed with protection from the dangerous hands of the inmates, from her. It saddened her for some reasons she couldn't quite understand that the supplies were all stowed away from her, as if she would paint in a situation like this. Then again, perhaps she would. Certainly it would be more cathartic than doing nothing at all ( ... )


vfranklinmott November 19 2010, 00:40:43 UTC
No one came near the art room. All lost in their own survival. Strangely, this girl seemed obvlious to the danger she was in. Dark room, silence, perfect hunting ground. He remained crouched and moved behind her, allowing her to hear him. There'd be no sounds of breathing. She might have time to react and reach for her taser. But that'd be all the further she'd get.

Within a second he was behind her. With both hands he grabbed the back of her shirt. He chuckled, a sinister sound, and spoke in her ear.

"You should be more careful where you wander, little girl." He then pulled her backwards out of the chair.


victimofnoone November 20 2010, 02:39:31 UTC
Hayley didn't comprehend the noise she had heard until he was speaking in her ear. Before she could process his words, she was falling to the ground. The girl hit hard, landing directly on her shoulder blades (left more than right). There was something about this situation, perhaps the tone of his voice, that reminded her almost instantly of when she had run into Jack Tyler in the Master's world-- the time she had died ( ... )


vfranklinmott November 20 2010, 02:51:38 UTC
A tiger who enjoyed toying with his food before devouring it. After she landed, he moved to a crouch over her, and watched with amusement as she attempted to get up. She wouldn't get far. He swatted away the hand trying to claw him as one might an annoying fly. If she continued her attempts at scratching, he'd grab the hand and hold it against the ground.

He glanced over and noticed the taser. Just beyond her grasp, but not his. He grasped the object, and looked it over.

"Now, what would a pretty thing like you need with a weapon like this?"


victimofnoone November 20 2010, 03:11:19 UTC
With one hand pinned to the ground and the other now without a task, as Franklin had retrieved the taser, Hayley froze for a moment. Everything seemed to slow just for a split second, enough to hear her breath catch and for the pounding in her heart to press against her temples. Then she was trying to kick him off of her and using her free hand for a small amount of leverage.

"For creeps like you," she growled, still struggling despite the terrifying realization that she was going nowhere.


vfranklinmott November 20 2010, 03:25:20 UTC
"Yes, well..." He tossed it across the room. It clattered against something. One of the paintings, or desks, or wall. He didn't know, or care. It was far away from them and most certainly away from the door. The hand he held was brought to his lips, where he kissed the knuckles. "It would've been useless to you anyway."


victimofnoone November 20 2010, 03:30:27 UTC
Hayley grunted as she tried to free herself again, then groaned with disgust as he kissed her hand. He was bigger than her. He was stronger than her. He was.. shit. Then she realized what she had been missing, the thing that had seemed off about him: he wasn't breathing. Vampire. The girl had never been afraid of the vampire population before, but it made sense, with the blood gone, that some of them would go a little mad.

"I obviously don't have to ask if you're an inmate," she laughed, finally surrendering. Her body returned to normal and, realizing what was coming, almost curved and arched to invite it in. Pain, something new.. anything to feel again. With a small smile, she tilted her neck to look to the side, to expose her skin to him. "Can I at least ask your name?"


vfranklinmott November 20 2010, 03:43:51 UTC
Franklin grinned, obviously elated with the sense of victory. She knew what he was, and surrendered. Just like those hopeless fangbangers at Fangtasia. So desperate they were to feel the bite pierce their numb, empty lives. His fangs slid down as he watched her. But, her thinking was incorrect. Franklin wasn't starved to the point of insanity. If he had been, he wouldn't have spoken to her at all.

"What, so you could use it against me later? Tattle to your warden?" He was amused, almost playful. "Why would I take that risk, luv?"


victimofnoone November 20 2010, 03:49:03 UTC
"Because I know enough about you to rat you out anyway," she responded, head jerking back to look at him. It could have been easy, but he had to go and be rude and ruin any moment they might have shared. More so, it was harder to surrender to someone knowing they were sane and logical; it was like surrendering to Capa and she hated that idea. Hayley shifted beneath him, one hand still free but laying idle for now. Her tone fell to something almost sensual. "And because I can make this really easy? Or I can make it a pain in the ass."


vfranklinmott November 20 2010, 04:04:02 UTC
Franklin started to voice a protest, then paused, as he realized she was right. Somehow that had slipped his mind. Were he a sane vampire, as she thought he was, he might spare a moment to contemplate the consequences once the power returned. But he wasn't sane, even on the best of nights.

He lowered his head and licked at her neck. The heartbeat. He could hear it pulsing so loudly, a sensual song, tempting more than her gesture of surrender had. "You act as if you have a choice." Then he bit down, penetrating the soft flesh she'd so easily offered. Franklin moaned in pleasure, a sound close to a growl, when the hot blood flooded his mouth. Drinking greedily, he was oblivious to his surroundings.


victimofnoone November 20 2010, 04:10:30 UTC
Kissing Hayley's hand was awkward and kind of dated, but licking her neck? That was entirely unacceptable. The girl stiffened as he bit into her, shoulder jerking slightly but the pinned arm preventing her from cutting him off. Almost as a natural inclination, her head tilted away to give him room. Still, the inmate was very much aware that more than just some blood loss was at stake here. The girl slowly lifted her free hand to form a fist, then punched as hard as she could near his eye, simultaneously jerking her head toward his to try to force him to detach from her.

The fear that she would not survive had not quite hit her yet, but it was getting close. The only thing she could do was prey that someone found her. As a last ditch effort, Hayley yelled out to anyone who might happen to be nearby. "Help! Someone! Please!"

She had to focus to prevent sheer desperation from coloring her tone, knowing predators usually thrived on a loss of control.


vfranklinmott November 20 2010, 04:47:41 UTC
The punch caught him completely off-guard, and he was forced off her neck by her movements. Blood dripped from his mouth, and he was momentarily dazed. The act of feeding was powerful, overwhelming, a high a thousand times better than any drug. Her fist had brought the barge back into clear focus.

Then she was yelling, and he cringed at the shrill sound of her voice. "Shut up!" He yelled and slapped her hard across the face. Her voice was a minor annoyance, but combined with the building rage at being interrupted, he had lost what little self-control he had.

Franklin grabbed her other hand around the wrist. With both her hands now trapped in his, he squeezed. When he felt the bones break, he didn't stop, just kept his hold. He bit down at the pulse point of the hand she'd used to punch him, tearing through her skin viciously. He wanted her to feel as much pain as possible.


ourlastbesthope November 20 2010, 07:50:58 UTC
Capa had been pacing his room, oblivious to the fact that Hayley had been looking for him. He knew that he was pretty much useless for doing any defensive work, though he had been attempting to just be a warm body and help out when needed. But his room was calming and, while Icarus had so far been silent, he was certain that this wouldn't last.

If it did...well, they would have to cross that bridge when they came to it.

He was confident that Hayley could take care of herself...but that thought was cut short just as he decided that he might try and sleep on his cold, hard floor.

He heard the scream before he was alerted to the danger she was in. Leaping up, he threw open the door and heard what was happening down the hallway. Heard Hayley's voice.


Not even bothering with stealth, he just took off at a sprint, one hand trailing against the wall so the he would be able to keep track of where he was going. His aim was her attacker, of course, but Capa really was no fighter.


victimofnoone November 20 2010, 07:58:58 UTC
Though the slap deterred her screams, the pain only reignited them. The breaking of the bones in her wrists seemed unbearable. Any attempts to fight back were immediately trampled and the girl could only focus on trying to fight through the overwhelming cortisol and adrenaline pumping through her system. She was vaguely aware that the screams she was hearing were hers, but in an extremely disconnected fashion. When Franklin attacked her wrist, however, the noise cut short.

Then there was something else-- someone else. Hayley used what little energy remained to twist her head up to look at the new arrival. At her former savior. Tears started to fall from her eyes and she wasn't sure if it was the pain or seeing Capa or the realization that if Capa didn't save her, she was going to die. Her entire body seemed on fire and she was surprised to find she could move her mouth to make sounds at all.

"Capa.." She tried to call out, but it came more as a strangled whisper.


vfranklinmott November 20 2010, 21:29:09 UTC
If Capa had attempted stealth, he likely would've landed a punch or two. It wouldn't have made a difference in the end. He heard the human the second he entered the room. With a savage growl, he disconnected from Hayley's wrist. His fangs tore through the skin when he did. The puncture wounds now appeared as two large scratches.

Franklin turned towards the sound of Capa, and growled. He was off Hayley in a split second, and pinned the weak human to the wall, hand around his throat. He squeezed just enough to make Capa gasp for breath.

"Go. Away." He was intentionally close to Capa's face. If there was any illumination at all, the fresh blood on Franklin's lips and chin would be difficult to miss, as would his fangs. "Do not interfere, unless you'd like to meet the same fate."


ourlastbesthope November 21 2010, 04:22:29 UTC
Capa wasn't expecting to be overpowered that quickly. But the man wasn't a fighter. Not by any stretch of the imagination, so he put up little resistance as he was pinned to the wall. His hands clawed at the vampire's wrist, though he didn't expect to be let down. His breath came in gasps, and he felt that he was not going to be able to breathe again in his lifetime.

"Let...her go," he managed to choke out, hoping that he could distract him long enough for Hayley to get away...or something. He didn't know. He could only take it in faith.

Because, of course, he knew that they weren't going to get out of this alive. He had already created that thought in his mind and it stayed there.


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