(no subject)

Nov 12, 2010 00:41

What: Keeping it classy with a session of wine-tasting.
When: Backdated to the evening of November 10th because I has teh slow.
Where: Warren's room

Having finished up her chores at the spa, Saffron managed to make her excuses and duck out quietly. She was halfway to Warren's room when it occurred to her that this was the first time she hadn't been under the watchful eye of her warden in days; she only hoped Lord Fanny wouldn't think to come looking for her only to discover her fraternising with the other inmates. In fact, when she thought about it she had only really volunteered to come along because it was something her warden would never allow. She hadn't been entirely sure what it was that the man was offering, though she had her suspicions... It was either booze or food; whatever the case, Saffron wasn't fussy as long as it was a chance for her to have a little honest fun.

She had made an effort to doll herself up when she was supposed to be working, of course-she always liked to make a good first impression. Thus it was that she found herself outside the door of cabin 20 on level 5, with her red hair neatly pinned up and her blouse unbuttoned to a suitably immodest level. Clearing her throat, she lifted a fisted hand and rapped three times on the door.

warren white, saffron, jean-claude clapet

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