Crazy Train

Nov 09, 2010 22:33

Who: Nicki and Rex
What: Gossip >:]
Where: The deck
When: After dark
Warnings: Definite insanity

After a bit of snooping around his room, which consisted of mostly examining and breaking things to further examine their contents, Nicki finally listened to more then just the noises in his head, he heard the noises of the ship. Everything shifting and moaning, the whispers of people all over the floors. He was sure if he could just find Armand, things would make more sense. Not that sense was a strong point of his, but he’d like a basis to start on. Like where the hell he was. This wasn’t hell, he was sure of it, he could feel them moving. But try as he may, slipping through the halls and getting more and more lost, the damn vampire was keeping his mind quiet, mostly likely so Nicki wouldn’t find him. So he listened instead for the rasp from his journal, the voice that asked about Armand and seemed to know him. Surly he could take Nicki to him. He listened to the walls, and the air, and it led him up to the deck, where he snuck around carefully, looking for the body connected to the voice

rex lewis/cobra commander, nicolas de lenfent

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