
Oct 18, 2010 04:33

WHO: Beatrix Kiddo, the tenth Doctor
WHEN: Friday afternoon. Lol backdated.
WHAT: Bea stealing a car and trying to get the hell out of dodge.
WHERE: The fasted way out of Salem.
WARNINGS: None, I think. Car-stealing. Maybe some swearing.
NOTES: Just putting this up now to keep it within comm chronology. IT WILL BE EPICALLY BACKTHREADED, since ( Read more... )

beatrix kiddo, the doctor (tenth)

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doctor_of_time October 26 2010, 01:56:38 UTC
He isn't surprised, exactly, that his new inmate-Bea-outwardly takes absolutely no interest in their surroundings. Although he can't imagine why someone wouldn't. It's Salem, isn't it? And it's Halloween, isn't it? What isn't there to take interest in? Which he points out several times over the course of the outing. He's in the middle of pointing it out again, as a matter of fact, and staring through a display window at a charmingly historically-inaccurate hat, when she disappears ( ... )


Looks fine to me. Also, he can use his warden item to locate her, if he wants. you_look_ready October 28 2010, 00:07:31 UTC
The only thing that this car lacks is a stash of cash in the glove compartment. Oh, and a full tank. The fuel indicator needle hovering just outside the red area is what has her looking for cash in the first place, but as far as money is concerned, this car is as empty as a wallet on the night before payday. Well, you can't have everything.

The little gas that's left in the tank gets her out of Salem and onto the highway. She can feel the car slowing down just as she's driving up to the gas station exit, and uses the car's momentum to roll it up to the pump. Not to boast, but her timing is, as usually, impeccable. She kills the engine and gets out, pocketing the keys and heading for the shop entrance.

The gas station is not quite as out of the way as she would have liked for this purpose, but as she enters, she decides that it'll do. She takes a quick look around, noticing the three or four customers and the clerk behind the till--a middle-aged man with a bald pate that is almost certainly shaved, not natural--and then finding the ( ... )


Cool! Wasn't sure if it was fair to her for him to use it initially, but will do that now. doctor_of_time October 29 2010, 03:16:46 UTC
He isn't actually going anywhere, not really, but stepping into his ship-not the Barge, but his ship-gives him a little frisson of excitement, as it almost never fails to do. This is more like it.

He only wastes a very brief moment looking over the console and touching a few controls fondly, out of habit; because he's got to be quick about this. There's no telling what his inmate is getting up to on the planet below. She's run off before he's even had a chance to fully suss out what she's capable of, what is and isn't her style, and as a result, finding her could be a problem.


The Doctor stops, fishing in his pocket for the psychic paper he'd used not very long ago.

Yes. That. That was supposed to help keep tabs on her, wasn't it? He vaguely recalls hearing something to that effect, but he hadn't really been paying attention at the time-there'd been things to see, people to meet. Listening to a list of guidelines and rules hadn't been especially high on his agenda. Perhaps it should've been ( ... )


you_look_ready October 30 2010, 23:05:30 UTC
Bea's minding the speed limit, going at a steady 65 miles per hour while nibbling sour cream & onion chips. It really wouldn't do to attract any inopportune attention from the authorities. They are going to be on her tail soon enough, anyway. But for now, she's cruising along meekly enough, easing her foot off the gas pedal every time the speed indicator needle quivers too close to the 70 mph mark ( ... )


doctor_of_time November 2 2010, 09:26:17 UTC
The Doctor is working out how, exactly, he can stop that car and collect its occupant without causing any harm to either, ignoring any and all attention he's attracting from the neighboring vehicles on the road. That is, until she changes lanes.

She's spotted the TARDIS, hasn't she? That's a bit of attention he'd rather he hadn't attracted just yet, but there's no avoiding it; the ship is incredibly difficult to miss, when it's not parked inconspicuously on a street corner. And even then, really, it tends to stand out. It's quite remarkable how often he forgets this.

As if he-as if they-weren't attracting enough unwanted attention, there appears to be a police car adding itself to the ensemble. The Doctor makes his way across the floor, wrapping one arm around a coral strut to get a bit of balance since everything's extremely unsteady at the moment, and kicks one of the doors open, looking out and down. The new car is most likely-no, it's definitely-following her. Lights flashing, siren going ( ... )


you_look_ready November 2 2010, 12:33:46 UTC
It's remarkable how quickly things can go pear-shaped if you let them. The cop on her tail seems quite eager, maybe even a bit overzealous--giving chase she understands, trying to get in front of her car, she gets, too, but when the cop swerves and broadsides her, metal screeching noisily, she lets out a low curse under her breath, trying to countersteer and accelerate at the same time. Aren't cops supposed to wait for backup before they do this sort of thing? If so, this particular cop is quite apparently ignoring regulation guidelines ( ... )


doctor_of_time November 4 2010, 04:29:12 UTC
The Doctor doesn't wait to watch what happens once it's clear that she's being forced from the road. He's well into the process of landing by the time her car tumbles into the ditch, which he then notices, belatedly, on his monitor. He double-takes, turning back to the image after an initial glance; that's not quite what he'd expected to happen, when he'd seen what the police car was attempting. This is much messier. Not the sort of policeman the Doctor wants to have much interaction with, if he thinks that was entirely necessary. Because the Doctor doesn't especially think it was ( ... )


you_look_ready November 6 2010, 04:00:48 UTC
She's extremely tempted to simply pull the trigger and blow the cop's head off. She's determined not to get caught, either by the police or by her so-called warden. The former will result in all sorts of inconvenient legal issues, the latter will force her to go back on that ship--and that, she is not going to do, thank you very much. Of the two options, going back on that strange, nonsensical prison ship is actually the worse option--which is what saves this Massachusett's cop's life. She might end up having to choose between getting arrested by the police and getting dragged back to the ship by the Doctor. She'd always choose the former, and in that case, she'd prefer not being a cop killer. Those usually stand very little chance of getting off easy.

So for a few long moments, she doesn't move a muscle, doesn't even blink, pointing her gun at the cop, her eyes daring him to move. He doesn't--she thinks he knows that she won't hesitate to pull the trigger--until the Doctor appears behind him. Bea only notices him in the vague ( ... )


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