Paddy knew this was coming :X

Sep 27, 2010 22:41

WHO: Charlie Prince and Paddy Maguire
WHERE: Dining area
WHEN: End of Paddy's kitchen shift
WARNINGS: Violence at the very least

Charlie Prince had made a promise to fight... )

charlie prince, patrick maguire

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christ_onabike September 28 2010, 11:26:55 UTC
Paddy was, as always, the last out of the kitchen. He had to make sure things were clean; as much as he trusted his staff, he had a neat and tidy streak which bordered on obsessive at times. That, and he had to lock the door. So, he was pretty much alone when he shuffled out of the kitchen, locking the door behind him. He had quite a few things on his mind, so didn't see Charlie at first, just finished locking up and pocketed the keys.


i_hate_posses September 28 2010, 14:41:11 UTC
Charlie smirked when the warden appeared. He moved toward the man quietly, walking with purposed until he was beside him. It might have been more prudent to keep his mouth shut; however, the outlaw couldn't resist. He spoke softly but not so softly he couldn't be heard.

"So, Warden. You think you can fight me?"

Without waiting for a reply, he struck out with the fork.


christ_onabike September 28 2010, 14:50:23 UTC
Paddy was taken by surprise, as he was caught up in his thoughts a little when Charlie spoke and had only just turned to him, when the fork gashed down his cheek, drawing just a little blood. He brought his hand to it quickly, out of instinct, but then the tough little street kid in him rose to the surface and he turned properly to Charlie and threw a wild punch at his face.


i_hate_posses September 28 2010, 15:03:32 UTC
The punch knocked Charlie back and he scrambled to find his footing. So maybe the warden was able to hold his own. It shouldn't be a surprised, the outlaw mused. Paddy had been an inmate before he decided to go belly up and start kissing the wardens. Hell, he liked Paddy enough when he wasn't a spineless little shit for brains. Of course, he didn't like him now.

"Evenin', Warden," He smiled through the rage and gripped his fork tighter. He rubbed his face where the other had hit him with his free hand. "I suppose you weren't expecting to see anyone here."


christ_onabike September 28 2010, 15:09:51 UTC
Paddy gritted his teeth a little, and kept his fists firmly clenched, wondering whether it'd be considered un-warden-like behaviour to go for the keys in his pocket and shove them between his fingers before punching the guy. Probably. He didn't suspect this was the end at all.

"I don't expect little shits like you to lurk around just to attack me with a fucking fork, but you live and you learn." He shrugged and gave Charlie a challenging glare, "Okay. So you've proved your fucking point. I'm a fucking weasel or something, blah blah, I get it. Now fuck off or I'll smash your fucking face in."


i_hate_posses September 28 2010, 15:17:23 UTC
"You think?" Charlie lunged again, this time going for the warden's neck despite the difficulty in the approach. Paddy wasn't going to get rid of him that easily. Both of them were going to walk away from this with battle scars, Charlie had already decided, assuming both walked away at all.

If this attack failed, well, Charlie would need to find himself a better weapon. That's all.


christ_onabike September 28 2010, 15:24:25 UTC
Paddy, at that, went to grab Charlie's arm and push it back, or at least, knock it out the way. Now, he was determined to at least put Charlie off from attempting it again. He wasn't about to do anything stupid to the point of hurting him severely, but a couple of cuts and bruises never did anyone any harm.

He aimed a punch at Charlie's stomach and didn't bother arguing, now he was just in... fight mode. It didn't need talking.


i_hate_posses September 28 2010, 16:20:03 UTC
The fork didn't connect and Charlie pulled back to keep from taking the full brunt of the punch to his gut. That wasn't to say he missed it entirely, but it didn't wind him as he suspected it would have. What he would have given to have his Schofields-- of course, that was a rare occasions these days. He'd need to find a better weapon regardless.

He threw the fork aside and made a quick sweep of the room. Nothing stood out to the outlaw so he decided to try his luck with a chair. Hoisted one off the ground, he swung at Paddy. The warden was going down one way or another.


christ_onabike September 28 2010, 16:26:50 UTC
Paddy hadn't expected him to break out a chair, and went down under it's weight quite easily. It dazed him, but this was a sign that he ought to break out something a little more drastic in return. He blindly fished in his pocket for his keys, pushing them between his fingers, then punched upwards with that fist, stuffing any sense of a decent fight and just aiming for his balls. Girly tactic? Yes. Good tactic whilst you're on the floor and can't really get to your feet quickly? Also, a yes.


i_hate_posses September 28 2010, 16:48:21 UTC
Charlie let out a laugh as the warden fell. He'd shown him and he was only getting started. He moved in for another blow with the chair, now that Paddy was down and instead got a surprise of his own.

To say Paddy's actions were unexpected would have been an understatement. Charlie unleashed a string of profanity and stumbled back, using the chair now as a support as his body reacted to the pain. It was a cheap shot and Charlie would have done the same if he'd been in Paddy's situation. However, the tables were turned and it was Charlie on the receiving end, which meant the action was deemed entirely unacceptable.

"You're a dead man!" He managed to sputter out, his face turning red with rage.


christ_onabike September 28 2010, 16:51:22 UTC
Paddy used Charlie's pain to give himself chance to get up and get his bearings again, still finding himself more dazed than he'd like to be, "You're the one who wanted to fight fucking dirty, you fucker. So there's your dirty fucking fight."

He kept the keys between his fingers and took a sharp breath inwards, trying to stop his head from swimming quite so much. He'd boxed for long enough as a kid to be able to take a good hit or two, so he knew he could get it back.


i_hate_posses September 28 2010, 17:21:42 UTC
"I ain't fighting dirty," the Outlaw snapped. "You're the one who-!"

No, it wasn't worth arguing about it. All that Charlie felt like doing was smashing Paddy's face until all the bones were broken and then maybe smashing it some more. He sucked in a few more shallow breathes and tried to get back on track.


Killing this guy.

Another breath and he slowly lifted the chair again, fully intent on using it to bash the warden once more.


christ_onabike September 28 2010, 17:29:45 UTC
Paddy was fully aware he'd got this guy angry enough to want to kill him. Getting a guy in the balls generally did that. His plan now was to incapacitate him enough that he could walk away from this alright. Paddy moved in very, very close, and quickly, so that it'd be difficult to swing something down in such close quarters, and then went to punch him hard in the gut. Now he had the keys, he knew aiming for the head was dumb.


i_hate_posses September 28 2010, 17:41:22 UTC
Shit, Paddy's approach indeed made using the chair a bit more difficult than Charlie would have liked, not to mention the punch to the gut. Charlie had no choice but to drop the chair and back away to try and catch his breath. His strength was sucked from him, but his willpower was strong. He'd keep going as long as he could and even if Paddy walked away from this fight victorious...

Well, Charlie'd just have to try and get him again. He coughed and steadied himself. No, Paddy wasn't walking away. There was fight in him yet. Charlie would show him a thing or two.


christ_onabike September 28 2010, 17:50:10 UTC
Paddy, equally, caught his own breath and got his head in a relative sense of order. He wasn't backing down just yet. He never had been one just to walk away from a fight. There was only that one time when his son had punched him and he'd never even thought of returning it. He had no intention of doing serious damage, though, and told himself to punch with the left, without the keys, for the minute.

"You've had your fucking fight. Gonna get the fuck out of here now?" He doubted it, but... might as well make an offer. Even if it was just to annoy him a bit.


i_hate_posses September 28 2010, 18:08:32 UTC
"I ain't done with you," Charlie hissed firmly, making it clear it had no intention to go anywhere despite how he might have been looking. He made an effort to straighten himself up so that he could stand his full height. He half grabbed for another chair but decided against it when he realized he wouldn't be able to wield it.

What else was there for him to use? He made another sweep of the room.


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