Backdated to Tuesday (SORRY KOTA D:)

Aug 20, 2010 16:02

Who: Leia and Uhura
What: Camping trip in the CES
When: Tuesday (8/17) - Friday(8/20) ish.
Where: The CES
Warnings: Probably mentions of missing hubbies. And inmates.

As she set up the tent, Leia almost missed the cuddly presence of the Ewoks. She could hear and see the other residents on the planet but the quiet whistling didn't bother her in the slightest. Instead it calmed and soothed as she hammered the last stake into the ground, the exertion of the process doing more to work out her nerves than she'd allowed herself in the past few weeks. Her inmate didn't seem to be going anywhere progress-wise and Han had just left, leaving the Ambassador grabbing at any straws she could get a hold of.

She supposed herself lucky to have Uhura around, despite Leia's generally private manner. The other woman put up with more than Leia thought possible. Rolling up her sleeves, she stood up and put her hands on her hips, proud of the work done. So much for her reputation for being a spoiled princess who didn't do much with the outdoors.

leia organa, nyota uhura

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