This is a silly place...

Aug 05, 2010 04:03

Who: Dorian Gray and Hayley Stark. Then, Dorian and Adrian Veidt.
When: Tonight.
Where: Seventh floor, though perhaps he will venture further.
What: Dorian is meeting Hayley so she can explain his comm to him.
Warnings: None.
Note: COMPLETE. This ends with Dorian going away angrily to read Dorian Gray, so he isn't lingering about after Adrian's thread.

Dorian the explorer. )

hayley stark, dorian gray, adrian veidt

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No big. :) Nice thing about LJ is shiz don't get lost. devils_bargain August 7 2010, 11:41:06 UTC
Dorian turned as he was addressed, and smiled reflexively, however as he took in this young woman's appearance, the smile quickly faded. She wore short hair and strange pants. It was a most unbecoming look for a woman. He wondered what strange sort of profession would require this of a woman. Perhaps she was a maid and this was her uniform, or she might be a freshly escaped child laborer. He had heard the conditions were harsh. Perhaps her hair had been cropped for her safety. It was a shame, in his opinion. She could have been pretty. Indeed, he might too have found the strangeness of her accent charming, but he had already decided he didn't quite like her. There was something not right about her. This was not to say that he didn't find her interesting. Interest and liking were two very different and separate things.

"I am. And you might be...?" the words were said both with disdain and authority. The authority was a ruse. In this unknown place, with at least one very alien inhabitant, he felt quite at a loss. He was so used to having his fingers on the pulse, used to running the show. Her unusual appearance only reinforced his sense that things were liberated from their contexts. He felt as if the sheer absurdity of it all would cause everything to burst apart. If only.


My brain has been shit and you're an intimidatingly good writer. I apologize. victimofnoone August 15 2010, 21:06:35 UTC
"Hayley?" She asked with a skeptical tone, as if he was meeting any other girls in the common room at this time. Hayley couldn't decide if he was arrogant or paranoid and she wasn't particularly fond of either personality trait. The tone he used in addressing her only supplemented this theory, but unlike him, she tried not to judge so quickly. His clothing spoke to the approximate period of time he came from, though she had never been good at remembering styles of particular eras.

"Did you want me to show you how to use your communicator thing still?" The girl loitered near the doorway, content to leave at any time. He was not so personable as the last couple people that she had offered to help and the way his facial expressions contorted felt as if his eyebrows himself were moving against her.


Nonsense. devils_bargain August 16 2010, 11:01:06 UTC
It was not that he didn't know who she was, or that he had forgotten, it was that he had decided in that instant that he wasn't fond of her and therefore would be difficult and politely rude.

"Ah, yes," he said, as if her repeating her name had jogged his memory.

"I would, yes," he said, his tone perfectly cordial and polite and yet... it seemed as though he was addressing her as one might address their valet or other members of the help, or perhaps even a shop hand. He approached her and held out the device.


I wish I had not failed at this, so we could have done a funny entry. :| Maybe another one later? victimofnoone August 16 2010, 20:12:09 UTC
To say that Hayley was less than amused with his attitude was a gross understatement. She had read enough Austen novels to understand the nature of his attitude, figuring him to be the pompous Fitzwilliam Darcy, prior to Netherfield Park and Elizabeth Bennet; even then, Darcy had always been a pompous bastard in her opinion and she never understood why he had been anyone's romantic hero. She realized that she had digressed when Dorian held out his device toward her.

"What-- Why are you handing it to me? It's not broken, you just don't know how to use it, apparently." The girl was not so subtle in her criticism of others the majority of the time. Stepping carefully around him, she took a seat on the end of the nearest couch and slid her laptop into the thin space between herself and the arm of the couch. Instead of the computer, she withdrew the Barge's pocket device from her pocket. "Come over here so you can watch, please."


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