Drippy drops of blood.

Jul 19, 2010 01:31

Who: Ana and Damon
Where: Kitchen
When: 3 am.
What: Blood poisoning and flirting.

Ana had already walked by the movie night people, and she was certain that they wouldn't be heading to the kitchen any time soon. She'd been avoiding James and Rex for a week now as she siphoned off as much blood as she could and then stored it, knowing that doing too much at once wouldn't be a good idea, especially with the next phase of the plan. She'd made several trips to leave the blood in the back of the freezer where no one would notice it, and to check how likely it was that someone would notice her stolen key. So far, no one had that she was aware of, so tonight it was time to put her plan into action.

She headed into the kitchen and located the vampire blood. A part of her wanted to spit in it as well as dump the blood in, but she didn't dare. The nanomites would be enough, and she didn't want to give the blood away. Quickly she dumped the bag of blood into the rest of it, and she gave it a quick stir. She got some on her hand and frowned quickly before she closed the lid and took a step back.

Ana had a cover story all planned, and a bit of chocolate ice cream was on hand to back it all up.

damon salvatore, ana lewis/the baroness

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