Dare you to lift yourself up off the floor

Jul 16, 2010 11:36

Who: Sam Winchester and T'Pol
When: An hour after this
Where: The library
What: Graduate, fool. :|

Like today never happened, today never happened before )

t'pol, sam winchester

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Comments 20

I'm at work FYI so if tagging is lol more sporadic than usual, that's why. nomoreleftshoe July 16 2010, 16:20:14 UTC
Sam was rarely late to pre-determined meetings but after falling asleep, he'd forgotten to set his alarm for their time. A part of him had wanted to go see T'Pol at the lab and whatever experiments she was performing but the desire to sleep had taken a firmer hold of the hunter than he'd expected. But, when he woke, and realized he was late, he felt a funny feeling in his gut; something was going to happen. Hunter's intuition told him all he needed to know on that subject: he'd apologized to Ruby for blaming her all this time, Dean was gone and not "hindering" Sam (as he'd heard a couple times), and the desire for blood had dropped significantly.

As he entered the library, hair half-mussed and with his flannel shirt still in the process of being buttoned up, the hunter felt an even more keen sense of significance. Nonetheless, he navigated through the shelves upon shelves before he found his T'Pol sitting at a table well out of the way ( ... )


lolol gotcha <3 with_discipline July 17 2010, 00:10:39 UTC
She took in his sleep-worn appearance with a vaguely raised eyebrow, nodding once. "That's all right." T'Pol hesitated for a moment, her own eyes dropping to the journal. Lifting it carefully, she slid it toward Sam, and picked up the photo that lay beneath it. It showed both Winchester brothers, as children; on the back was a note from Dean, directing her not to let Sam 'screw up.' The curse at the bottom was largely ignored.

"I read a good deal of this," she started, diving right in with a nod toward the journal.


AND THEN SLEEP TOOK ME. nomoreleftshoe July 17 2010, 15:59:36 UTC
Sam continued to look at the journal for a few minutes longer before he glanced up to her, more than a little worried about what that meant. Had she read their history? How their dad went from sane, normal, apple-pie to a desperate, honed hunter who taught his sons how to hold a gun at five? He shifted in his seat and gave a half-shrug.

"And?" he didn't know what else to say, honestly, not when he didn't know what was and wasn't read.


AND THE CITY TOOK ME D: with_discipline July 18 2010, 17:05:02 UTC
T'Pol considered, for a moment, that what she had done had been 'snooping;' she considered how Sam would react, finding out that she knew the secrets hidden in his father's book. He might become angry. It may ruin the chance she hoped to have at convincing him that there was nothing to hold him back from his graduation.

However, it may also convince him. It was a step she had to be willing to take.

"Your father was an - interesting man. I learned a good deal about him." Including that apple pie eater to gun toter.


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