Jun 17, 2010 20:57

Who: Major West, Iago, Snoop Pearson, Scotty, Abigail, and the Marquis
Where: PORT. A cabin in the woods (I'm thinking northern Michigan)
Warnings: VIOLENCE AND ZOMBIES. Mod NPCs who aren't me are welcome.
Notes: For the sake of simplicity, since we all have different schedules, I'm saying no set posting order, BUT don't go like, ( Read more... )

abigail williams, scotty, snoop pearson, the marquis de sade, iago, major west, port

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Comments 19

inhumandog June 18 2010, 02:10:55 UTC
Dammit. That was all Iago had in his mind at the moment. Dammit. Thankfully, his time in Masterworld had accustomed him to weapons. They were not like this, but he had certainly moved beyond bows and arrows and swords. It would be simple to figure out.

At West's orders, Iago simply nodded, trusting that he at least seemed to know what he was doing. He wasn't going to follow them yet, but he had no reason to argue.

"What is it?" he asked curtly, picking up a pistol and checking it. It seemed sound enough and it fit fine in his hands. It was quick. Efficient. Easy to handle. But he wanted to know why West jumped to that conclusion before he started shooting anything.


major_west June 18 2010, 02:44:00 UTC
"It's Infection," he responded, his voice clinical and detached. His eyes caught flashes of figures moving between the trees, and he steadied the gun (some sort of Uzi the former occupants had left behind), following the movement. "Highly contagious. If their blood gets into the eyes, mouth or an open wound, you have approximately thirty seconds before you succumb to the virus." He fired a burst of shots at one of the approaching Infected, downing it despite its persistence. "So. It's best to keep your distance."


inhumandog June 18 2010, 03:02:44 UTC
That message took a moment to fully register to Iago. However, he didn't really understand until he quickly moved beside West and saw for himself what the man was talking about.

What. The hell. Was that? Certainly no virus he had ever seen before in his life. It certainly answered a lot of questions. He moved to a nearby window to keep watch as well, but also to continue his questioning.

"This isn't real." He whispered that but the second was a deliberate question. " do you know this?"


itweresport June 18 2010, 07:25:22 UTC
Abigail - who has wanted no part of this cabin excursion but found herself along anyway due to, she assumed, the presence of her new warden - wrung her hands. She had never used a gun before, and to see the two men arming and positioning themselves at the windows made her frightened. The talk of infection frightened her less so; she had seen some nasty outbreaks of typhoid and syphilis in Salem. It was West's reaction to it all that upset her.

Frightened, she approached Iago - the closes thing she had to a friend here - and put a hand on his sleeve.

"It is only a sickness. Why must we arm ourselves? The sick are of no threat if we let them not come near - is it not so?" she asked, her tone betraying her nervousness about the guns.


Saturday Afternoon- The woods outside the village inhumandog June 19 2010, 17:22:04 UTC
"What the HELL was that thing?" Iago panted as he kicked at the giant Tank. Of course, he had no idea what the name of it was, but it was so far mutated from anything resembling a human that he was starting to believe there was something much, much worse going on than he originally thought. Kicking at it with his shoe, Iago leaned against a tree and tried to figure out where they were.

He saw West one else. The creature had chased them so far away from their group that he had no idea where anyone or anything was.

After reloading, he pulled an aspirin out of his pocket and swallowed it dry, hoping that it would eventually take the pain away.


Re: Saturday Afternoon- The woods outside the village major_west June 19 2010, 17:40:27 UTC
[OOC: Continuing from HERE!]

West looked down at the fallen Tank, his expression unreadable for the time being. This wasn't like the Infection he'd known. Either it had mutated, or he was in a different world entirely. He wasn't sure which was worse: the idea that the world really did stand no chance against the Infection, despite the insistence of Jim during his brief stays on the Barge, or the fact that he was, potentially, up against a virus that he knew even less about than Rage.

"I don't know," he said finally, crouching down to get a closer look at its face-- or, rather, what was left of it. "Between this one and the woman... We'll have to proceed with even more caution than before."

As though that were possible. He stood, stretching his aching body, and then took inventory of his supplies. Running low on ammunition.. this wasn't good.


Re: Saturday Afternoon- The woods outside the village inhumandog June 19 2010, 17:44:38 UTC
"What about the others?" He glanced back towards where he thought the others were, but he couldn't be sure. Or...what was left of- no! He wasn't going to let his thoughts go that way. They did what they had to do. They had to move on. He couldn't dwell on it. Maybe...maybe he would come back.

He held a hand out to offer him a few pills. "I've got a few left. It'll take the edge off of the pain for a while."

At least it was quiet...though Iago was starting to believe that quiet didn't necessarily mean "good."


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