It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down. tumbling down....

Jun 17, 2010 11:53

Who: Team Misato: Misato, Dean, Adric, Loki, and Laura
What: Zombiepalooza
Where: An abandoned subway and eventually an industrial park
When: All week
Warnings: Zombies, swearing, Misato being a BAMF, character death, maiming, etc.
Other: One post for the entire week so we don't clutter up the comm. Pretty much exactly what Kim #1 said. Blah, blah, blah.

Misato woke up to cold cement against her cheek, her head pounding and something cold and metallic digging into her back. Hell of a landing, she muttered in her head, before pushing herself onto her knees. She blinked in the dim light, struggling to figure out where she was. To her left was nothing but a concrete wall, laced with graffiti, most of it vulgar and obscene, but some of it noteworthy by the virtue of being cryptic- one in particular was sprayed in bold red letters, spelling out the words, "THE END IS EXTREMELY FUCKING NIGH."

Once she looked to her right, it became clear where she was- an abandoned subway. She was currently between the rails and the wall- the rail had been what was digging into her back. The concrete walls circled over her and the tunnels stretched forever into the darkness on either side. The whole thing was eerily empty and there was a dismal sort of silence to the place that gave it a chilling air right down to her bones. This was a place where there should be people bustling about- the information her Warden item had given her hadn't been the least bit accurate about this at all.

Her Warden item. She fumbled in her jacket for her phone and found nothing, her Glock was also missing and she let out a panicked hiss that sounded far too loud in the silence. Her journal, however, was fine and intact, which was a small mercy- she'd deal with that later. After a moment, she scrambled to her feet, eyes adjusting to the darkness. Something on the other side of the subway tunnel caught her eye and she darted across the rails and scrambled onto the ledge on the other side as quickly as possible, despite the fact that there wasn't a train coming and likely wouldn't be one ever, finding a small collection of weapons waiting for her, meticulously arranged in a way that almost had to be deliberate.

She picked up one of the handguns and checked it with the focused hands of someone who knew her way around a weapon- everything in working order. She did the same with an assault rifle and a shotgun, laying them all neatly back down, frowning as if the fact that everything seemed to be functional was an insult to her sensibilities. She didn't bother with the rest of the cache, satisfied with her investigations and figuring that if anything else wasn't in functional order, it was someone else's problem.

"Way too convenient," she muttered, starting to slide the handgun into her empty holster, only to have to draw it again at the sudden sound of approaching footsteps echoing across the tunnel.

"Who's there?"

misato katsuragi, adric, dean winchester, laura palmer, loki, port

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