Jun 17, 2010 17:07

Who: Team Subtle Badassery (Paddy, Parker, Billy, Judas, Snape and now BONUS VIDAL)
Where: PORT. Some dockyards.
THE MASSIVE NOTE OF NOTELYNESS: I have no real idea how this is gonna work, but I figured we could... massive spam post things. Different threads, different times, different folks, whatever you feel like? Just as long as they don't contradict each other. Throw zombies in where ever you like. So... I'm gonna kick things off with Paddy waking up in a dingy corner.

Paddy woke up against the side of a shipping container and groaned. "Fuck, it's cold..." He wondered if this had been a very, very long drug induced dream and he some how ended up... no, he still had his phone, as an item, in his pocket, and his communicator. Fuck all else, though.

He gave the container a sharp thump to get some attention, "HEY. ANYONE FUCKING HERE? ANYONE?"

patrick maguire, miss parker, captain vidal, dr. horrible, judas iscariot, severus snape

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