Who: Wesker and 47
Where: Zero. And, no, 47's not letting him out. :|
When: After their talk on Wesker's latest post.
What: A talk about technique.
He didn't have to do what he'd done anymore. He took no pleasure out of killing for necessity. Udre Belicoff had been a necessary kill, but he'd felt...quite good to have him out of the world. But still...it wasn't pleasure-based, as it somehow felt it was for this man.
What was his name again? Albert? Albert...Weskie? Wesker...? Something like that.
He snagged a few bananas from the kitchen earlier and brought them down with him, unknowing what the other man...mutated man...liked to eat. Maybe he didn't have to eat. Maybe he ate the hearts of Time Lords-who knew?
He made his way down and pulled up a chair as soon as he saw red eyes, holding out the bananas.