log - a thread that's supposed to not suck. (nyuck nyuck, vampires.)

May 13, 2010 13:03

Who: The Sexbys and Martha
What: Technology lets the olde timey folk see this damn kid. Watch them flail awkwardly.
When: Squeezing this in somewhere between mass killings.
Where: The infirmary
Warnings: NONE. How 'bout that!

Angelica walked close to Sexby, closer than what they considered normal, as they made their way down to the infirmary. Partially it was the fatigue of a very long night spent settling accounts (as it were), but in the main it was an attempt to spend their last remaining days together well. Walking closer than normal just so happened to be one of things they had not fully embraced whilst being aboard the barge, therefore considered a rare sign of public affection.

She sighed, knowing that her pace was slower than usual, and silently thanked Sexby for his patience. She held on to Sexby's arm as they took the stairs, finding that his stomping gait seemed to help pull her about some.

This was, thus far, an absolute and complete mess - not that she had expected otherwise though. "I will have Elizabeth live with me in Fanshawe. Her and the children, of course," Angelica declared suddenly, as though the thought had just come to her. They were nearing the entrance to the infirmary, and she was, to say the least, just a tad nervous.

angelica sexby/fanshawe, martha jones, edward sexby

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