conversation of doom

May 13, 2010 09:19

Who: Una Persson, O'Brien
What: A conversation that neither one has been looking forward to very much.
Where: O'Brien's home away from home Zero
When: After Una gets out of the infirmary.
Warnings: Language. Discussion of murder and various other crimes. Both being a bitch at various points probably.

Una generally believed in pulling the sticking-plaster off quickly, and that was why, despite lingering aches and pains from the death toll (and the fading bruises on her face; at least the swelling had finally gone down and she could see out of both eyes properly), she was now making her brisk way down to zero. Not to release O'Brien, but to have a talk with him. Much as she dreaded exactly what would be said and what needed to be said ... it had to be done, and sooner rather than later. Truth was, if she hadn't been so incapacitated, she'd have been down to see him as soon as she'd regained consciousness.

On her arrival, she went straight to his cell door and opened it without further preamble.

"Time to talk, O'Brien."

o'brien, una persson

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