First log ever <3

May 11, 2010 21:23

Who: Jonathan Crane, Karrin Murphy, Neville Longbottom.
Where: The Garden
When: Probably a day or so ago, may get into flexible time if we end up slow-timing. (lol, time differences)
What: Crane meets up with his temporary warden in the garden to steal plants introduce himself. Neville's also there. :D

The garden had been hard to find. This place was nothing like the Arkham Crane remembered. If it was Arkham. Which it was. Of course it was.

Like most places here, it was brimming with a kind of artificial light. There must have been some trick behind it, for as disturbing as it was, everything still seemed alive. Still, the light seemed stilted, unnatural.

There was little time before the warden got here. Crane began to walk briskly around the garden, taking note of everything present. Most things were standard. But others made him wonder where exactly whoever ran this garden was from. Some plants were all but unidentifiable. Potentially useful though, endless potential to extract unique chemicals. The effects Crane could imagine were almost enough to make his breath catch in his chest.

Deciding to make the most of his time, Crane started collecting some 'samples.'

karrin murphy, neville longbottom, jonathan crane/scarecrow

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