Ushas and Findthee go exploring

Apr 29, 2010 15:03

Who: Ushas and Findthee Swing. Others are welcome to encounter them!
What: Ushas finished helped Findthee finish his trigonometry homework and now he's holding up his end of the deal: going exploring on the Barge with her. Whether he likes it or not.
Where: All about the Barge.
When: Kid Flood, day one.
Warnings: Are you kidding me?

Findthee Swing and his trigonometry homework had fallen to one of Ushas's longstanding habits: get all the homework done so that you could go do the interesting things (as opposed to at least one or two of her classmates, whose own approach was more like "skive off the homework to do the interesting things and then get Ushas to pull your bum out of the volcano at the last minute"). Homework complete, she bounced to her feet and struck off down the hallway, confident that her new friend Findthee would follow along.

What bliss! To explore such strange new surroundings, full of such interesting people, and no Borusa or any other teachers to say no. Out of habit, she did tend to duck out of sight whenever she saw an adult, but her curiosity wasn't about to let up.

the rani, captain findthee swing

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