Who: Loki, Rube Sofer, Morgan Adams, Charlie Prince--NPCs WELCOME!
When: 1st day of Port
Where: LV-426; colony; on the way to the reactor--different path
How completely unexpected, Charlie thought sarcastically to himself. He took note immediately that he'd somehow 'coincidentally' wound up in the same group as his Warden and Morgan, and Ben Wade was still nowhere to be found. While he didn't attribute all these occurrences to the same source, he still found himself mighty sore at the notion of being grouped with the two people he didn't want to see.
He'd already made a point of only acknowledging Rube to the least amount he figured he could get away with. Hell, he still refused to look at, much less make eye contact, with the man. Morgan was quickly filed away in the outlaw's mind for the same treatment. So that meant as far as socializin' went...
Charlie quickly took a place by Loki's side, muttering, "Well, looks like you're the only one who I ain't got nothin' against right now." He readied his rifle and nodded to the god. "So I guess that means you're the one I'm gonna talk to."