Who: 11-12 + 47
Where: Level Eight, room four.
When: Now!
What: 47's been asking a few questions, gotten himself shot, doesn't understand the feelings he's getting towards 11-12 and Neville of "care," but little brother is coming over anyway because 47 feels he can handle him...for the moment.
Warnings: Nothing that I could think of.
Maybe it's wrong of me to have invited him on this particular jaunt. )
11-12 once more appreared neat and clean in his usual pale coloured clothing, very unlike the scruffy, darker grey or brown things he'd been wearing at the port. And of course he wasn't smoking.
"Hello," he said politely as he stepped through the doorway. He glanced curiously at the magazine then back up to 47. "How are you feeling?"
He was dressed in his usual suit, though this time without the tie as it was quite painful to try and tie one with the wound to his shoulder. He was barefoot as well.
"I've felt better," he replied, gesturing for 11-12 to take a seat in the chair. "You?"
"You know it's rude to eavesdrop on private conversations... What did you hear?" His voice sounded a little haughty but he really wasn't that bothered. He hadn't said much to Neville that most people couldn't find out simply by looking back through his journal anyway.
That's what unnerved 47 the most about the kid sitting across from him, the fact of the matter that he didn't seem to keep anything about his life confidential and just for himself. He couldn't imagine going into any further detail about Nika than what he had with 11-12. He couldn't imagine going in further in detail about his childhood than he had since he'd been here.
He leaned forward, dropping his voice low, peering over at him, "Or you can simply lower your voice. The fact of the matter that you go into so much depth so quickly can be off-putting to people, you know."
~Vineyards for sale...~
His lip quirked into a thin smile as he looked down. "Did you know that when the male penguin meets the female penguin, he decides in the first ten seconds whether he's going to like her or not? As a mate, that is."
"Did you know I was rejected at birth, found by an organization that trains professional, disposable killers, and that my entire life up until now has been about death, that I never knew a family, that I rarely spoke, and that I'm quite happy this way and would rather not change?"
He swallowed and took a deep breath. "You may not believe it now but I was very quiet and spoke little to most people before I came here too. I'm sorry about your life up to this point but who's asking you to change? You're not an inmate. You've been accepted for who you are, as a warden, so you don't have to change..."
He pointed to the door.
"Which one is more off-putting and has you more quickly thinking that coming down here was the wrong idea and that you should avoid me? The tidbit of trivial information on the inner workings of the female and male species found all throughout the earth, the fact of the matter that I know something you most likely don't, something interesting and totally random.........or the fact of the matter that I just opened up and shared a bit of what would be deemed a sob story and am likely to make you rather uncomfortable if I keep going on about it? Which one is, to you, more off-putting?"
"Look, kid, 11-12," he said, turning, trying to make his point a little more clear this time around. "The world is a cruel place. I dragged you out of the City because I had vowed I wasn't going to let you find that out. But you were such a little curmudgeon that I let you go back. Okay? Now we're here, all safe and sound on Barge. Mostly safe, some of us sounder, but, look, kid, that's not the point. The point is."
He rubbed his forehead.
"The point is you've got to stop being so trusting with everyone and everything. One day you'll trust the wrong person, and it might not happen right off, but you'll trust too much, too easily, and too fast, and you'll find yourself off in a little ( ... )
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