Must to Perpetatrate Sneakyness.

Apr 11, 2010 18:30

WHO: The Marquis de Sade, Angelica Sexby
WHERE: Her cabin.
WHEN: Some time after the Master's post.
WHAT: The Marquis is too soft to genuinely try to hurt somebody, so to get close to the Master he's going to try to bring him somebody he thinks he likes and won't want damaged.

The Marquis tread carefully when seeking out Angelica Sexby's door and knocking on it. He had noticed immediately when the Master took off the privacy settings on his messages to him but could not drop the ruse for fear of being found out. So if anyone in all this insanity had noticed, then they would, he hoped, have to be very clever to figure out he was lying.

And so approaching another Warden who knew how to use a firearm? Probably not the wisest of things, but he was out of options. He recognized Jack Harkness on the Network and briefly entertained the thought of approaching him. He knew any damage he did would be undone -- but alas, the man had fallen overboard, and he could not justify injuring him -- nor did he wish to compromise himself by attacking one of the other citizens. After all, this might have been the Master's world but they were still real.

That, and he could never justify himself to Iago once he brought him home.

Home. Three years.

He had no idea how much damage had been done.

The Marquis knocked again, and hoped Mrs. Sexby would give him room to explain.

the marquis de sade, angelica sexby/fanshawe

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