Who: Gabriel and about fourteen bounty-starved NPC's.
Where: Somewhere in MASTERWORLD.
When: Not long after the Barge crashes. Like minutes before the Master makes his announcement that would make GOING OUT ON YOUR OWN A BAD IDEA.
What: Gabe says "SCREW YOU, BARGE UNITY, I'M GONNA DRAG MY INMATE BACK BY HER PEARLS." And then realizes, "TRAUMA-RAMA. I'VE GOT NO POWERS." And then he gets arrested. And sacked. Literally sacked. Not metaphorically.
Warnings: One annoyed angel with no powers and super strength vs. fourteen humans = VIOLENCE. People will bleed. Angels will get hog-tied. It won't be family-friendly.
Notes: Gabe's powers? COMPLETELY nerfed. As in, he has literally NOTHING except his healing factor and his super-strength. Also, Kari will be playing my goons for the evening. Props to Kari.
Gabriel figured staying on the Barge and listening to the panic and general anxiety grating against his angel radio was gonna be tantamount to getting a root canal with a pair of scissors, so rather than get himself into a blind tizzy about where Max and everyone else he had the lack-of-foresight to care about was, he decided the only productive and distracting thing he could possibly do was find his Inmate. Paragon of a model Warden, is he. Take that, bitches.
Not five minutes later, the Master decided to be a dick.
Two seconds after Gabriel decided the Master should suffer muchly for being a dick (AND HEY, WAS THAT HIS PICTURE? ASSHOLE), he got the equivalent to a suckerpunch to his Grace and had to lean against a nearby wall to catch his bearings. You don't feel that level of complete and total powerlessness unless you're stuck in a ring of fire and having it right now made him want to panic. Powerlessness? Not conductive to a happy Gabe.
He sucked in a breath and backed away from the wall. Right. He could run back to the Barge with his tail between his legs like a scared little bitch or he could keep going. He was still stronger than the average human. He still couldn't be killed. Let any of these sons of bitches try to hold him.
Yeah. Because overconfidence and control issues in the face of dystopian wastelands that would make Harrison Ford cry was totally the way to go here.