Hold on slow down, again from the top now

Mar 21, 2010 20:28

Who: Paddy, Kirk, Kahlan, and Shinzon
Where: Somewhere around level 2
When: After Destro's post
What: Paddy has come to be a thug and beat Shinzon's head in. Kirk and Kahlan are looking to question him. THINGS HAPPEN.
Warnings: Ass kickings. Probably severe ass kickings.
Notes: So Kirk and Howie and Kahlan and sorta kinda Tim have pretty much got ( Read more... )

patrick maguire, shinzon, captain james t. kirk, kahlan amnell

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christ_onabike March 22 2010, 00:36:40 UTC
Paddy had... to some extent, taken heed of Parker's insistance that they could use her gun to do this, or something else, and that they could work together - but it was public knowledge now who'd done it, thanks to McCullen, so Paddy decided to throw all caution to the wind and go for him. It would suppress that raging anger he'd had ever since he discovered people's rotting bodies in the dining hall.

For that matter, the raging anger he'd had since he was about 12 years old, but that was a different matter. He'd been waiting for Shinzon near his room for a while now, and after spotting him heading for the stairs, Paddy didn't step out from where he'd been hiding around that corner, but instead just swung his fist straight into Shinzon's face, hard, aiming to take him down.


voiceshall_echo March 22 2010, 00:42:21 UTC
Absorbed in his thoughts, Shinzon didn't notice the other presence in the vicinity. Usually, he was very aware - more wary than anything - of his surroundings. something instilled in him when Romulan guards were still big enough to be feared. Now, though, he was confused by his own feelings regarding his actions. Was it guilt? No, he decided, that was ridiculous. But if not guilt, then--

He didn't have much time to ponder it, because that fist - acknowledged seconds before impact - slammed into his face hard. Blood seeped into his mouth, pooling under his tongue as his lip and the inside of his mouth broke against his teeth. Shinzon stumbled backward, momentarily dazed, blinking black spots from his vision.


christ_onabike March 22 2010, 00:49:05 UTC
Paddy was pleased with the first hit, and as soon as Shinzon stumbled backwards, he took two steps forward, quickly swinging his other fist right into Shinzon's face again, not stopping for breath, just solely focused on his target. Specifically, beating Shinzon to death with his bare hands. He hadn't been joking.


voiceshall_echo March 22 2010, 00:54:03 UTC
No, he hadn't. And Shinzon had disregarded the threat, thinking himself untouchable. That...certainly wasn't the case now. More blood filled his mouth, this time dripping from his nose, and he choked, grabbing wildly at Paddy's fist to ward him off, spitting that blood at his face. It was as if he was a child again, plagued by the guards of the dilithium mines. It made him snarl, choking on blood, and lash out, his own fist heading for Paddy's face.


christ_onabike March 22 2010, 00:57:35 UTC
Paddy took the punch, trying to duck away from it, but it still made firm contact with his jaw. He didn't care or pay much attention to the pain right now, he had other concerns. Other huge concerns. Like beating this man to a pulp. A bloody pulp. He pounded his fist into Shinzon's face again, making sure to smash it right between his nose, and the blood on his fist, or the sign that this wasn't an even fight any more, not concerning him. It stopped being an even fight the moment Shinzon blew twenty plus people up.


MY BAD. I hit send too early. captain_jtkirk March 22 2010, 01:16:28 UTC
Kirk knew that they could be completely wrong about Shinzon being behind this, or even that he knew anything about it. It could've just all been circumstantial and for some random reason, Shinzon had found Kahlan's journal after the real culprit dumped it.

He doubted it but he was willing to let Kahlan question her Inmate first and act as nothing more than a security force while she did so.

That was until he and Kahlan stepped off the stairs and were immediately greed with two men fighting on the ground. Well great, this was why publicly announcing suspect's names was just a terrible idea. Kirk pulled the phaser off of his belt, leveling it at them, though he was going to give them both a warning to stop before he actually went around stunning anyone.

"Both of you, knock it off."


Shank that send button. voiceshall_echo March 22 2010, 01:21:13 UTC
Shinzon didn't notice the new arrivals. He didn't hear the warning over the sound of a distant ringing in his ears. The crunching of his nose was far louder; cartilage gave way, and he wondered if this was the seventh or eight time his nose had broken. It was difficult to count with Paddy's fist colliding with his face.

He thrust out a fist, aiming for the other man's stomach, his chest, anything in reach while he chastised himself for allowing this to happen.


christ_onabike March 22 2010, 01:31:04 UTC
Neither, to be honest, did Paddy notice the arrivals on scene. He was far too focused on the task at hand, and whilst giving a slight 'oof' at the punch in his stomach, he slammed Shinzon's head straight into the ground with some force, entirely intending to cause enough damage to potentially kill him. He knew he was nowhere near yet, but he intended to get there. Kirk was just an obstacle he had to ignore right now.


permission given to stun captain_jtkirk March 22 2010, 01:44:25 UTC
Alright fine, if they wanted to play it like this.

Kirk sighed a little bit and gestured at Kahlan to hold back before he brought his other hand up to help steady his aim as he leveled the weapon towards Paddy since he seemed to be doing the most damage at the moment. He fired, aiming for the Inmate's shoulder as best he could.


voiceshall_echo March 22 2010, 01:49:50 UTC
For a few seconds after the back of his skull cracked against the ground, everything was black. He saw nothing, he heard nothing. The ground was hard, and the human skull was only so solid. Skin split; head wounds bleed profusely, and there was plenty of the sticky red mess on the floor and the back of his head.

At least when Alistair had killed him, he had taken the demon's eye. There was some measure of satisfaction in the fight. This was pathetic.

He threw his fist toward Paddy's face, but there wasn't much power behind the gesture, body refusing to respond as he expected it to. He saw the glint of light, but didn't recognize it for what it was: help.


christ_onabike March 22 2010, 01:57:46 UTC
This was becoming achingly familiar, the sudden blackness of being phasered, and he fell onto the ground, dazed and stunned. Paddy was not happy someone had interrupted his revenge. Not happy at all. Not that he could do anything about it.


captain_jtkirk March 22 2010, 02:06:25 UTC
Jim studied Shinzon for a moment before determining that he wasn't going to be putting up much of a fight, his movements were decidedly sluggish and he had promised that he would let Kahlan do her thing first.

"Shinzon, we're just here to talk. Is that alright?"


lastconfessor March 22 2010, 02:27:38 UTC
Kahlan stood with her daggers out, grim faced, while Jim did his thing and stunned Paddy. Having walked in on a yet another fight involving her inmate was not a pattern she wanted to continue. But now that Paddy out cold, Kahlan tucked her daggers away in her boots. Shinzon looked pretty bad and she was concerned for him.

She knelt beside him, taking in the broken nose, bloody mouth, and the blood she saw on th floor. It wasn't a pretty sight, but he would heal. However it might be best to have the wounds checked out. "Jim, we should take him to the infirmary before we ask him any questions."


voiceshall_echo March 22 2010, 02:49:32 UTC
As Paddy's figure fell away, Shinzon blinked, still waiting for the next fist to raise a new bruise. It didn't come, and garbled speech breached the ringing in his ears - though the sound of his own breathing was trying hard to cover it up. He didn't quite understand what Kirk was saying - he didn't understand that it was Kirk until Kahlan said his name.

Her face swam in his line of sight, but he forced himself to turn and roll over, pushing himself to his knees. He swayed, but that didn't stop him from rising to his feet, spitting blood to the side. He was unsteady, frowning between Kahlan and Kirk.

"What," he tried to snarl - but it was spoken thickly, and he was out of breath with the effort.


captain_jtkirk March 22 2010, 02:59:57 UTC
Kirk nodded a little bit, since the man was clearly struggling with speaking and asking him anything about the bomb wouldn't get them anywhere.

"Easy," Kirk cautioned, holding his distance from the Inmate just because he was also sure that his presence would just set Shinzon off. That was his own fault and he knew it. It was just the matter of whether or not he cared to fix it that was questionable.

"We're just going to take you to the Infirmary, get that bump on your head looked at."


voiceshall_echo March 22 2010, 03:09:25 UTC
Shinzon sneered, or tried to. Skin tore just a little further on his lips, blood coating his teeth. He eyed Kirk's weapon, for a moment wary for himself and aware of little else - but then he turned to eye Paddy's unconscious form, and found himself staring. Kirk had shot the other inmate. Kirk had saved him.

Shinzon turned too fast to stare at the captain, and nearly fell as everything seemed to shift. He groped for a wall that wasn't close enough, and his knees started to bend - but he managed to hold himself up. Barely. "You," he growled, in the same blood-thickened voice. He knew going to the infirmary was a good idea - but he didn't like that condescension he perceived in Kirk's voice.


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