Who: Bourne, Costigan, and Henrietta
What: The Triangle of Crazy finally gets all three points in the same room. Hilarity ensues. And by hilarity I mean terror.
Where: Costigan's room.
Warnings: VIOLINS. Oh, I'm sorry, that should read "violence". But maybe some violins in the form of
that song from Requiem for a Dream. I don't know.
Despite himself, Bourne was worried about Costigan, although he knew he shouldn't have been. Still no pills for the inmate, as far as he could tell, and Costigan was faring poorly for it. Assassin though he had been, he didn't like seeing people suffer. Especially not people he had grown to care about. So it was that he found himself knocking on Costigan's door yet again, since the Statie was proving difficult to contact by journal. Worst case scenario, he'd get a gruff 'Fuck off!' from inside - which would at least prove that he was lucid enough to spout invective. He knocked, and waited a few seconds for a response.