Attention Wardens! Your new assignments are as follows:
Captain Jack Harkness //
boeshane_boy - The Master (John Simm) //
soundof_drumsCissie King-Jones //
notarrowette - Captain John Beatty //
happinessboysJubilation Lee //
fireworkbubbles - Zevran Arainai //
love_this_partPrincess Leia Organa //
willkissawookie - Julian Sark //
onlyhalfseriousLibby Widmore //
thatlibbychick - Ruby //
yousethimfreeNed //
easy_aspie - Shosanna Dreyfus //
vengeanceparfeuOwen Harper //
stilladoctor - Sam Winchester //
nomoreleftshoePeter Parker/Spiderman //
withgreat_power - Davros //
great_healerGlinda //
bubble_mobile - Joshua (Yoshiyu Kiryu) //
yoshiyakiryuRobert "Bobby" Drake //
icedupplayboy - King Arthas Menethil //
darknessb4meSvetlana Nazarova //
greatlightother - Damon Salvatore //
talldarksaviour You will find a file on your inmates history and crimes deposited in your room, please familiarize yourself with it, and play nice!
[ooc: apologies for the lateness of sortings, difficult stuff seemed to converge on the last few days! The next sorting will be on the 15th!]