Who: Dexter and Jack/Tyler Durden, later T'Pol. If you'd like to join, contact Kari.
Where: Jack's room.
When: Nowish.
What: Dexter's killing Jack, but not before Jack shows Dexter what Fight Club taught his fists.
Warnings: Violence, language, torture.
Hi, I'm Dexter, and I'm not sure what I am.
I know there's something dark in me.
I hide it. I certainly don't talk about it, but it's there. Always. This dark passenger. When he's driving, I feel alive. Half sick with the thrill, complete wrongness. I don't fight him. I don't want to. He's all I've got. Nothing else could love me, especially not me, or is that just the lie the dark passenger tells me? Because lately, there are these moments when I feel connected to something else, someone, and it's like the mask is slipping, and things, people -- who never mattered before -- are suddenly starting to matter.
It scares the hell out of me. )
Comments 19
The thought was unaccepted to Dexter. It was the most abhorrent fate he could think of for himself, and his emotions got the better of him. Slowly but surely, he inched toward the door. Jack called out, causing him to hesitate for a moment before flinging a hand out to grab the door. Once he felt it was open sufficiently, he used his foot to kick the door open, and nearly took a leap inside. He'd forgotten to take the first needle out of his pocket, an error which he regretted immediately upon seeing Jack. He opted for the piano wire, then, and began to string it between his hands as he kept himself on a collision course headed straight for Jack.
Breathing hard, Jack tried to think. Who was this? Why were they attacking? What kind of experience did they have? He was distracted, thoughts going all over the place. This female body felt different, strange, distracting, probably even unused to fighting, which could end up being pretty bad. He tried to sink into a usual fighting stance, but it felt awkward and off somehow. This was not how he'd planned to spend his day.
Attempting to match a fighting stance much the same as Jack's, Dexter also felt the inhibitions of his female form. His jiu jutusu training wasn't as easily recalled, and the stances, the movements, weren't coming as easily. Suddenly, he stood still, hoping his confusion would abate with a moment of calm, waiting for Jack to make the first move.
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