
Feb 19, 2010 11:51

Who: Luigi Largo and Wichita; OPEN.
When: I'm just gonna go ahead and say now.
Where: The pub.
What: Frienemies bonding under the influence of alcohol.
Warnings: Swearing. Luigi Largo is his own warning, too.

Schmuel would work 'til half past ten in his tailor shop in Klimovich. )

luigi largo, wichita

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couldgo4aslice February 20 2010, 06:35:43 UTC
Luigi didn't consider Wichita a friend. She was just 'that girl that acted as guard one time'. But, on the other hand, she did offer to take him drinking. Who was he to deny that? If she wanted to cry and get all touchy-feely, well hey, that was her problem. He was in it for the drinks.

He entered the pub, noting that the crate looked really tacky, before he made his way to Wichita's table. He dressed his best, as he would for any of GeneCo's operas or events.

"Long time no see," he said with a smile as he sat down. He glanced at the bottle. "Don't tell me that's all we'll be drinking," he commented. Wine? Ew.


I'm seriously having a tough time with English right now, so.. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense. wichita_kansas February 20 2010, 09:57:52 UTC
When he arrived Wichita immediately stood, swaggering over to the crate while simultaneously taking a quick drink from the bottle. She pointed at Kurt as she kicked the crate out the door with a clatter, causing the pub door to swing close, "You can ask the blue guy for whatever you want. I'm not sharing this."

Taking another drink from the bottle, she plopped down in her seat at the table, regarding him critically, eyes narrowed. "Fancy get-up. What are you, a bank teller or something?"


It's alright =) couldgo4aslice February 21 2010, 00:44:35 UTC
Luigi glanced at Kurt and there was the brief 'holy crap he's blue!' thought. It passed quickly. Ignoring her comment about his attire for the moment, he ordered some beer.

"I'm the CEO of GeneCo," he said with pride. "Or was, before coming here."


<3 wichita_kansas February 21 2010, 08:08:00 UTC
She took another swig from the bottle and raised an eyebrow at him. Placing her elbows on the table, bottle still in hand, she leaned forward a bit. "All right. I give. What's GeneCo?"


Re: <3 couldgo4aslice February 21 2010, 13:28:39 UTC
He was hoping she'd ask. "GeneCo is-" And then his drink appeared, via teleporting blue... thing. That certainly made him jump in his seat. "Er. Thanks." Then the (man? elf? what the hell?) was gone just as quickly, leaving behind a puff of smoke which Luigi waved away while coughing. "Nice service. Could do without the after smell, though. Nasty."

Luigi popped the top and took a long drink. Loved the taste, loved the burn. Still, he wiped at his lips with his napkin like the pampered rich boy he was. "GeneCo is the savior of the fucking world where I'm from. Organ failures happen all the damn time. GeneCo offers healthy organs to those who can afford it. Those who can't, well... fuck 'em." He waved dismissively. "And trust me, those with the cash use surgery like its a fucking fashion statement. Those types of people have problems, but they're good for business."


wichita_kansas February 23 2010, 04:21:29 UTC
Staring at him incredulously for a moment, she gathered her wits about her and spoke hesitantly. She was surprised at how interesting the place sounded, and that Luigi Largo was interesting at all.

"Where do these organs come from? That's... really bizarre. What year are you from? I mean, I guess it's viable," she paused thoughtfully, taking a drink, "because plastic surgery's on the rise where I'm from. It's getting there, to the point of addiction for certain celebrities and rich people."


That's... a really good question, actually couldgo4aslice February 23 2010, 05:56:07 UTC
Luigi shrugged. He never concerned himself with too many specifics about the organs. He left those details to the doctors. So long as they were good and healthy, great. Sell 'em to the highest bidder.

"Imported from healthier people," he replied simply, trying to sound like the CEO who Knew It All. "2057 was the year I died in. Yup surgery and operas. Nothing better on Sanitarium Island than those two things combined." He swirled the liquid around in the bottle before setting it back on the table. "I'm guessing you're from an earlier time than me?"


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