Intelligent Beast

Feb 19, 2010 10:50

Who: Creed +open (multiple threads welcome!)
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Library
What: Creed needs to find new reading and has a kitten on his shoulder. Literally.
Warnings: Probably swearing, no blood this time. Also: KITTEN.

Stretching long legs out in front of him, he ignored the soft, purring, warm bundle of fur that had curled up on his shoulder and gone to sleep.

Victor had taken her up to the CES and taken her hunting - not for himself, but for her. No damned cat of his was going to be fed that processed crap that most people thought cats could live on. Cats were predators just like him, and he was going to treat her with the respect a predator deserved.

She'd managed to kill the vole, and the fish he'd brought her without too much trouble. Before long, he had no doubt she'd get the hang of hunting.

His nose picked up a new scent, and he looked up from the book he was reading - military history of a Chinese emperor, in Chinese, since he didn't need a translation - scenting the air.

"Afternoon," he rumbled, watching the newcomer. What he'd told Spock had been honest truth. He learned more about a person by watching them, than by anything they had to say.

victor creed/sabretooth, o'brien, count d, gellert grindelwald, kahlan amnell

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