castiel. part time angel. full time dean creeper.

Feb 18, 2010 15:38

Who: Dean Winchester and Confustiel
Where: Dean's cabin on level three
What: Angel type lurking
When: Late in the afternoon
Warnings: Bromance! Lots of slashesque guy love.

Ah, sleep, that thing you do when your body is kicking your ass and you'd rather not face the day or your own thoughts. Sadly, for Dean Winchester this almost never came to be. He had gone to the pub and had about three beers just to get him to the point of dreary eyed and then shed his pants and shoes and flopped into his bed.

He was lucky this time, even though he kept trouncing and flopping about in the surreality of his nightmares. It wasn't about hell this time. Surprisingly, it was just about the people he'd lost and the things he'd seen but would've rather not seen. He never had relative peace. You couldn't use Dean and peace in the same sentence unless you were telling him to chill out.

The room was dark, the only light on was one over his desk coming from his laptop.

dean winchester, castiel

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