lol sarah is made of fail and lack of sleep.

Feb 14, 2010 03:37

Who: Ten and Irene
Where: in an alleyway
When: Day Two, mid-afternoon, waiting to meet up with Meta for his not!date.
Warnings: LULZ.

The Doctor was actually enjoying himself for this port, surprisingly enough.  It was always fun and exciting to go to a different world and not have to worry about running for his life- though he had to admit that was the best part.

Everyone seemed so happy and preoccupied...perfect chance to do what he wanted to do on this port: find out how it works.

Sonic Screwdriver in hand, and those annoying little hearts following him (thank goodness there weren't that many), he found a rather dark and suspicious alleyway.  Perfect.  He walked towards it, nodding a hello to a random passerby, before turning backing into it, looking both ways, then turning around again, slipping down the alley- rather proud of himself for being so sneaky.

It was a dead end.

He put his ear against the brick wall at the end of the alley, and knocked...solid, solid, solid, HOLLOW!


And thus, he began to sonic the hollow part of the wall, maybe something behind it would click and was a long shot, but he could still try.

irene adler, the doctor (tenth)

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