The two most ladylike women aboard are angry with each other. Hoo boy.

Feb 04, 2010 17:01

WHO: Denise and Parker
WHAT: Denise is displeased with her Inmate's actions.
WHEN: After Jack informs Denise of Luigi and Parker's fight.
WHERE: Level 0
WARNINGS: LANGUAGE. Look at the characters involved, that should give you an idea.

Needless to say, Denise was pissed. )

miss parker, denise mahoney

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you_run_i_chase February 4 2010, 22:23:01 UTC
Parker was pissed when she was dragged down to zero. She was so pissed she was going to get the fuck out of here and legitimately kick Luigi's ass again. Because Parker wasn't stupid she didn't even consider taking a swing at her warden, even though she was already being dragged down to zero. What the fuck, he was a prick and he got out of it and here she was.

After she was shoved into the cell, Parker walked over and slammed her hands against the back wall. "This is fucking bullshit!" Parker shouted the words before she turned back around. Being locked in a cell wasn't something that Parker took to particularly well. It wasn't claustrophobia per-say, it was more like the fact that being around people in cells kinda... weighed on her. A lot.

"I was thinking that when he invited me," Parker spat the words, "it was more like sparring and less like an actual fucking fight. And to be fucking honest? It ended up feeling like fucking foreplay." She slammed her hand into the cell door. "And what the fuck he took a fucking swing at his fucking warden and he's not here?!"


gotgirlballs February 4 2010, 22:59:53 UTC
"I'm not his fucking warden, Parker. I'd stick his ass in here too if I had a say, but I don't. You wanna be pissed at someone 'cause he's getting off easy? Take that up with his warden."

She started gesturing with her hands as she yelled, something else she didn't do too often. "Meanwhile, I'm your warden, I am in charge of your punishments, and I gave you one rule. Just one, and it was reasonable as hell. I give you pub access, I let you keep your cancer-sticks and I don't give a shit if you sleep with the same people as me. I don't even ask you to be nice. So what do you do? You break the only rule I've ever laid out and get in a fight. Totally awesome way to appreciate the slack I've been cutting you."


you_run_i_chase February 5 2010, 00:11:01 UTC
"I didn't expect it to actually end up in a fight!" Parker admitted honestly. "I was just going to go over there and try and fucking scare him into not being such a fucking dick. He's loud and fucking obnoxious and his fucking entitled ass yelled one more fucking time I was going to hit my fucking head against a fucking wall!" Parker paced, moving back and forth in the small space of the cell, one hand on her hip and her other hand around the lovely ring of bruises that Luigi's fingers had made around her neck.

And honestly, a part of her really didn't think the fighting was that big of a fucking deal. It wasn't like she had kicked the ass of one of the innocent little girls. He fought back as well. "Look, this isn't that big of a fucking deal!"


gotgirlballs February 5 2010, 02:20:55 UTC
"No shit he's a dick!" she yelled, rolling her eyes. "I wanna hit him in the head until he forgets how to talk, but you know what the difference is? I don't go over there and start shit with him because I know I shouldn't be fucking around with psychopaths even if I could take them!"

Denise tensed for a moment, closing her eyes and taking a breath. Her voice reverted back to its usual cadence. "Let me decide what's a big deal, got it? I told you to have a blast with one condition: no beating on anyone no matter how badly they deserve it. Yeah, the bastard deserved it, and he deserves a whole hell of a lot more than that, too. That doesn't negate the whole 'don't get into any fights' rule. This wasn't you just defending yourself--you went there after exchanging threats and you both beat the piss out of each other. Christ, Parker, it's called self-control, and you need to get some."


you_run_i_chase February 5 2010, 02:38:04 UTC
"I can fucking take him!" And she could. It was she who had paused the fight before Jack had shown up... And now she fucking knew. "Jack fucking ratted me out, didn't he? That fucking little bitch." Parker moved like she was going to kick the bunk, but in the end stopped herself before her foot made contact with the metal. Nope, that was more pain than it would be worth. After a moment she just kinda growled before she turned around to face her warden again.

"Look. I haven't gotten into one fucking fight before now unless it was the fucking flood. It's not like I'm fucking walking around getting into shit everywhere. I normally just fucking troll journals and talk shit, never go fucking looking." Parker turned away and took a deep breath. "Look, you wanna talk shit about fucking issues? His fucking attitude reminds me of fucking Lyle. Closest thing to fucking kicking his ass."


gotgirlballs February 6 2010, 05:34:32 UTC
"And you missed the fucking point! Way to go!" If Parker thought Denise was actually interested in whether she could take him or not after what she had just said, she was suffering from selective hearing. "Yeah, Jack ratted you out and I thanked him. I'm in charge here, so what you do is gonna get back to me whether you like it or not. Build a bridge and get over it."

She shrugged, and gave Parker a false look of sudden acceptance and understanding. "See, I get it, except that's not an excuse. Maybe he acts like Lyle, but he's not fucking Lyle. You're not stupid. You know not to go busting people's asses because they remind you of someone else, so don't give me that shit!"

Denise herself had done such things before her year as an intern at Sacred Heart, which required her to learn some new approaches to problems. Usually, she just told people she hated them and threatened them after that. She couldn't remember clearly the last time an argument had come to blows.

"This is the first thing we're gonna discuss when I call for you over the journals again, because I'm too pissed off to look beyond this right now and dig into your undoubtedly vast array of issues. You're only gonna chill here overnight because I'm believing you, like a moron, when you say it wasn't supposed to be a real fight. When you get out tomorrow, though, I'm revoking your pub access for a week."


you_run_i_chase February 7 2010, 19:12:04 UTC
Parker was totally practicing selective hearing. She didn't want to hear anything at all, especially not about this. And Parker was pretty good at reading people, so her eyes narrowed with that sudden look. "I know that. This was a special fucking case, all right?" The words were practically spat; she really didn't want to deal with this anymore. At all. She just wanted to be back in her fucking room with a drink for the fucking pain in her jaw and to sooth the fucking ache in her throat. A drink with a lot of fucking ice.

"Fine!" Parker had booze in her room; she wasn't stupid. "Revoke my fucking access for a week, I fucking deserve it." Parker's conversation with Paddy had made her realize just how lucky she was that Janeway or who the fuck ever hadn't stopped her from having access to the pub. "But if I fucking have to stay here tonight, I need some things from my fucking room." Parker wasn't being girly, and she didn't think they were being too demanding. What she fucking wanted was smokes, advil and the fucking pepto she took when her ulcer was acting up... which it was now, damn it.


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