
Feb 04, 2010 02:25

Who: Pavi Largo, Baby Firefly, later Luigi Largo
Where: Baby's room
When: Uhhhh. Will be forward-dating this, so...will update when I know.
What: It's still cool to kill people and peel their faces off, right?
Warnings: Definite language, possibly violence.

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luigi largo, baby firefly, pavi largo, leonard mccoy, rayne

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spo0kshow_baby February 7 2010, 22:37:21 UTC
Baby hadn't had a chance to take the scissors away and she cursed under her breath when Luigi reminded them that Pavi was still in possession and could still stab her ass. She needed to get in between them in order to make the shiny blades hers.

But Pavi was distracting. And now, NOW he was being remorseful, stating he'd rather see her alive when not ten minutes ago he was choking her. She sneered and rolled her eyes. "You've got to be fucking kidding me. They got to you, didn't they? Your accent, the desire...it's all gone. I can't hear it or see it anymore."

She dropped the book aside, her shoulders hunched in defeat. Goddamnit. Not Pavi too. Previous attempt to kill or not, before that he'd been the closest to...whatever. She wanted those scissors and she wanted them now so she could stab him in the fucking heart, just like he'd done to her. This was why she should only ever stick to her family.


couldgo4aslice February 7 2010, 22:58:41 UTC
Luigi could only stare in stunned disbelief. He couldn't figure out what was wrong with his little brother and it pissed him off. He hated being confused. When Baby spoke up, he listened without taking his eyes off Pavi.

"Got to... what?" Then it hit him. Rehabilitation, graduating, holy fuck. The new face, the lack of passion, it all fit like a perfectly tailored glove. His brother wasn't the same person he knew from before. This was a man changed to someone else. Someone who wasn't a Largo.

His confusion and rage reached a boiling point. With sudden clarity he knew exactly how to get Pavi, the real one, back.

Still with one hand on Pavi's shirt, Luigi lunged forward and stabbed Pavi's cheek with the scissors. He dug it in deep, pulled out, and stabbed again at a different spot, now dragging to create a scar. He'd repeat this over and over and create as many imperfections as he could.


themostdashing February 7 2010, 23:03:59 UTC
Pavi shrieked, tried to haul back but couldn't get too far - the door was still locked. The second cut slid along his jawline, bleeding profusely, and he couldn't - just because he wouldn't kill, it didn't mean he wouldn't defend himself.

The old ones were still the best. He dug in his pocket for the little bottle of breath spray he carried and almost emptied the canister into Luigi's eyes, reaching down and unlocking the door in the first free moment he was given.

He stumbled out into the hall and fell against the opposite wall, clutching one hand against his bloody face.


spo0kshow_baby February 7 2010, 23:16:13 UTC
Baby was, at first, too stunned to react, standing there with a slack jaw and eyes like tea up saucers. Before she could stop Luigi, Pavi defended himself with stupid ass breathspray and she was forced to follow him out of her room, shaking her head and too high off adrenaline to think clearly.

"Pavi! Shit if you had just...you fucking asshole, you stupid, stupid," she reeled around and screamed at Luigi, shoving his shoulder. "You made a fucking mess in my room, why the fuck did you....why?!" Why to the both of them. Why to herself for even caring.

Baby ripped off a bottom porting of her shirt and tried to press it to Pavi's face, both elated with Luigi's logic and horrified. She'd thank him later, or something, for trying to bring him back. But for now, Baby was pissed. "Stupid fucking Pavi," she mumbled.


hyposprayed February 7 2010, 23:24:35 UTC
It was several minutes ago that McCoy's item had beeped to life, suddenly and suspiciously blank. He had tried accessing Pavi's file, his location, but nothing came up. The doctor had frowned and called Peter to come cover for him, rushing down to the last place the item had registered Pavi- Baby's room.

Ever since the flood and Luigi's appearance McCoy had reluctantly began carrying his phaser with him, always set to stun and always an uncomfortable weight stashed away in his med pack. For the first time since he began stashing it away he was glad for it's presence, the shouts down the hall distinctly hysteric. He pulled it out, holding it level even as his eyes widened slightly as the scene made itself clear, the blond and Pavi- Pavi's blood running down his face.

"Back off!" McCoy ordered, stepping closer as his eyes shifted between Baby and Luigi barely visible from the doorway. "Now."


couldgo4aslice February 7 2010, 23:33:39 UTC
Goddamned breathspray! It was the oldest trick of Pavi's and he'd fallen for it. Luigi had fallen back and wiped at his eyes. In that time Pavi had escaped and... well, that was all Luigi noticed. Pavi had escaped.

He chased after him, bloody scissors still in hand. If that weren't damning enough, he had spots of blood on his shirt and sleeves. He froze at the sound of another. What the hell was that he held? It didn't matter. Luigi was too much in a rage to notice or care.

"You!" He screamed, and pointed a finger accusingly at McCoy. "This is your fucking fault! You destroyed my brother!" He gripped the scissors tighter. "This is a family matter. Do not fucking interfere!" He lunged for Pavi, ready to bring the scissors down again.


spo0kshow_baby February 7 2010, 23:56:20 UTC
Baby was still trying to apply pressure to Pavi's wounds, and spat through gritted teeth at McCoy, "I'm.trying.to help!" If she moved, the blood would gush out. If it meant getting...whatever the fuck the weapon he was holding would deliver, fine. By doing this, Baby hoped Pavi would realize his mistake and come back.

Luigi, though, was deadset on landing his ass in Zero, charging their way with the scissors again. She didn't need time to react, because McCoy would be faster. Otherwise, there was no guarantee Baby wouldn't have ducked. Bastard.


hyposprayed February 8 2010, 00:10:11 UTC
As soon as Luigi lunged McCoy fired the shot, a burst of light that hit Luigi square in the shoulder and knocked him out on contact. He took only a moment before rushing over, kneeling next to Pavi and Baby with the gun at his side but still tight in his grasp should the blond decide to try anything.

"Damnit Pavi- keep the pressure." He ordered Baby without a second thought, reaching for his PADD to call security to take care of Luigi. "I need someone from security down to level six- there'll be an unconscious man who needs escorting down to Zero." He said to the PADD, almost distracted as he worked one of Pavi's arms over his shoulder to try and lift him up.

"Come on, we need to get him down to the infirmary." He said, placing his phaser away for the moment to try and get Pavi to his feet.


themostdashing February 8 2010, 00:15:14 UTC
Pavi wasn't really hurt apart from the cuts - just a little dazed - and he rose fluidly when he was ordered, taking a handkerchief out of his breast pocket and crushing it against his jawline.

"It is alright. I am fine." He shrugged McCoy off and looked at Baby with a completely blank expression, not knowing what the situation really called for.

"I am...I am sorry. I would not have hurt you."


Ffff, so damn hard, so damn hard. spo0kshow_baby February 8 2010, 00:35:56 UTC
Baby gave a tiny scream from the blast, experiencing culture/timeline shock. Stunned, she stared from Luigi's crumbled form to McCoy, blinking without comprehension. "Ssshit!"

She tossed the bloody shirt piece into her room after Pavi took over. She stood away from Inmate and Warden, her face void of emotion too. Her eyes spoke volumes, however. "You're right. You wouldn't. But Pavi...give him back, YOUGIVEHIMBACK!" she screamed, lunging at Pavi with balled fists and wet eyes.


that's life man hyposprayed February 8 2010, 00:48:58 UTC
McCoy ignored them both for the most part as he assessed the damage he could see, calming when he realized they weren't quite as deep or gaping as he had feared. "'the hell you are, come on, let's-"

He was cut off with the outburst, brow furrowing as he quickly stepped in between the pair. He managed to grab one of Baby's wrists, struggling to keep her from his inmate. "Damnit woman, calm down!" He really wished he had some damn idea of what the hell had happened here. Whatever it was it obviously wasn't pretty or particularly innocent.

"Pavi go to the infirmary, now." He ordered as he clutched Baby's wrist.


rayney_day February 8 2010, 01:09:41 UTC
Well, this was... Interesting.

Unable to figure out what on Earth had happened, McCoy's presence prevented Rayne from acting too impulsively on everyone, wholesale. Instead, her first order of business was trying to calm Baby down. A grown woman who, at the moment, was living up to her nickname with considerable abandon.

And an emotionally distraught Firefly was an unstable Firefly.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

She grabbed ahold of her inmate by force, embracing her in a veritable bear hug from behind and yanking the blonde off her feet, twisting Baby to one side. McCoy was one of the few who Rayne both felt she could trust and considered worthy of defending. Logical, really; they were both grumps with a sideline in saving humanity.

"Someone tell me what the hell just went on here," she demanded. "And why I got an alert you were in danger, Missy."


naomi says she figures Pavi would have gone off to the infirmary when ordered so hyposprayed February 8 2010, 19:55:09 UTC
McCoy stepped back when Rayne came and restrained her inmate, relaxing just a touch. If anyone could handle restraining a particularly volatile individual it was Rayne.

"I wish I knew, I came here in time to see that one-" He gestured to Luigi's prone form. "Going at Pavi's face with a pair of scissors. The blond here was helping Pavi at first and then she seemed to change her tune." He said, looking to Baby for answers.


Ah, alright. spo0kshow_baby February 8 2010, 22:23:17 UTC
Baby fought against McCoy's hold just as she fought against Rayne's, grunting and outright screaming. She only stopped screaming long enough to glare daggers at McCoy and growl, "FUCK YOU! You took him away, you stupid fucking bastard, you took Pavi away!"

She wasn't in the mood to explain to them. Come back later. Right now, Baby continued to scream and struggle, watching Pavi walk away. Luigi was, for now, all but forgotten.


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