WHO: Mozenrath, Eric Northman
WHERE: Eric's Cabin
WHEN: After Mozenrath snapped at Ace.
WHAT: Mozenrath, not fully trusting that Eric is affected, suspects punishment. What Eric is likely doing is saving his life.
Mozenrath's stomach was in knots. He could handle the humans, even some of the non-humans. There was only so much pain any of them could cause him, and they didn't know which buttons to push. Vampires, on the other hand -- Eric Northman, especially -- were quite skilled in finding the right triggers. Triggers to make him scream, beg, cry. And it wasn't just pain. There were words, mindgames -- vampires were evil creatures.
But he couldn't even steel himself right now, because his last encounter with Northman had made him doubt. The vampire never even touched him, barely spoke a word to him, and now he was uncertain of what to expect.
His hand shook a little when he reached up to knock.