In which Nero is way too confused

Dec 14, 2009 19:10

Who: Nero, Shinzon, and open!
What: Nero wants some answers. A lot of answers.
When: Early evening, the day he arrives.
Where: The library on level five.
Warnings: One angry Romulan and one Romulan-raised human who hates Romulans. Shaken, not stirred, and potentially violent.

Nero still had no better idea of where he was or why he was here than he had when he'd arrived, which wasn't so very long ago. He'd arrived unarmed, too, which he was not happy about; he was a Romulan, which meant he was naturally paranoid as all hell, and he didn't like being without any kind of weapon. It just made him even angrier.

He'd found what was obviously a library, and was now digging through books--old-fashioned paper, even, such as hadn't existed on Romulus outside of museums. Books from different time periods, different worlds, and none of them told him a single thing about where he was or if--and this was his biggest question--he was alive or dead. Unless something had somehow rescued him from the Narada just before it broke apart, he had to be dead, but this was like no afterlife any Romulan religion spoke of. And if he was dead, where was Mandana? Where was his wife, dammit?

nero, leonard mccoy, shinzon, captain james t. kirk, kahlan amnell

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