Rule Number One: Don't Wander Off!

Dec 04, 2009 20:50

Who: Rose Tyler (Ten), The Master (Simm)
What: Meeting
When: Evening
Where: On the deck with my boys mutha--

She was still a little apprehensive about meeting this other Time Lord who knew the Doctor, but she went anyway. It had to be safe if there were so many different kinds of people here, right? Besides, she knew about time lines, and how they could get messed up. Maybe he really WAS a friend that died in that Time War the Doctor never really liked to talk about. Even her own mother here was from the past.

As she stepped out onto the deck, she shivered, glad to have brought her jacket when she appeared in this place. It was snowing. Rose wondered for a moment if it was actually PROPER snow and not anything else. She bit her lip, and scanned the area with her eyes, keeping her hands warm in the pockets of her jacket, and looked for the man on the screen she saw in the TARDIS.

Was it her or did the ship seem disapproving when she left to meet this man? She didn't even have a name for him.

Oh but the snow was beautiful was really a distraction.

rose tyler, the doctor (tenth), the master

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