A Wolf in Femmy Getup

Oct 31, 2009 20:01

WHO: The Marquis, Frank (in a Pavi costume -- instead of a Janet wig!)
WHERE: The Halls
WHEN: Shortly after the Abbe's voice post
WHAT: Violence, most likely!

The Marquis was out the door and headed for the level where the Abbe's cell was waiting. He, himself, was growing rather weary of the goings on -- he was tired mostly of being startled, and being manhandled when one thinks they are alone is a good way of doing that. However, since the start -- brought on by the machinations of an old knick-knack of his own (something he had yet to bring up with Security or anyone else) -- the Abbe had been surprisingly quiet, short of one or two outbursts.

This was different. Each time the Abbe had taken half a second to tell him to fuck off anytime he put a word in. This time his immediate reaction was to command him to hide.

No, something had just gotten much worse. He armed himself and made his way down to the lower levels.

...Of course, he didn't expect to see a familiar face in the stairwell, and he stopped short.


pavi largo, halloween, the marquis de sade

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