(no subject)

Aug 07, 2009 22:20

WHO: James T. Kirk, Leonard McCoy, Pavel Chekov, Armand St. Just uhh... Sam Tyler... and whoever the fuck else wants to join in.
WHAT: Drinking contest! And other assorted nonsensical things that boys do when they're trashed.
WHEN: Sometime after Kirk buys Sam (lolol) and before Kirk fights Prefect. Cause that's not totally vague.
WARNINGS: Swearing, cursing, lewd inappropriate behavior, owning a human being? The usual.

James Kirk was damn well determined to spend this weekend knee deep in debauchery and drunken antics and women and everything else that he couldn't do on the Barge. Here, it didn't matter if he was a Warden or if he was the Federation's golden poster boy captain. Nobody had any idea of who he was at this port and he was never going to see any of them again, so there was really nothing holding him back.

He'd settled in to a tavern or a bar or whatever the fuck the Romans called them, gathering his two best friends (well, it was more like one best and one Russian kid that he was overly fond of) to him and and everyone else that he'd managed to pick up along the way, which included Sam. Whom he bought. Because... he fucking could and it was really hilarious when you thought about it or maybe it was just funny to him because he was drunk and he kind of hated Sam.

"Another round for everyone!" Kirk cheered, holding up the half full glass that he already had in a toast. "We're toasting to... someone pick something to toast to! Bones! Pick!"

[ooc; No particular posting order, guys, so have at it. Uh... we've pretty much settled into a pattern. Ask before you skip someone though, for sure.]

pavel chekov, leonard mccoy, captain james t. kirk, armand st. just, sam tyler

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