Log - Open

Jul 16, 2009 12:27

Who: The Master, Bartleby, Rose Tyler, Daniel Jackson, the Fourth Doctor, OPEN.
Where: The Infirmary
When: After this, this, and Bartleby's request to the Admiral.
Warnings: Doubtful.

The Master... REBOOOOORRRNNN-- shut up. )

rose tyler, bartleby, aziraphale, daniel jackson, the doctor (fourth), the doctor (tenth), the master

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soundof_drums July 16 2009, 19:12:42 UTC
If the Master had known how very small and weak Rose thought he appeared, he'd have reached out to strangle her... and promptly fall over and off the bed, thereby proving how small and weak he was right now. Well, best not to do that. Instead, the Master offered her a nasty smile.

"Come to gloat?" he asked, his voice a bit dull and hoarse. It hurt to speak, mainly because his throat was so scratchy right now.


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soundof_drums July 16 2009, 19:21:03 UTC
He let out a little breath and rolled his eyes. "No. None of that." Then, he glanced at Rose again, dropping the petulant demeanour and giving her a wide-eyed, vulnerable expression-- more of a parody of Detective Tyler's own mannerisms than anything genuine. "Sit with me, on the bed?" Then, a weak, harsh laugh. "I would love a warm body beside me right now."


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soundof_drums July 16 2009, 20:52:10 UTC
Well, that was unexpected. He didn't think that would work. Too bad there wasn't much he could do against her right now-- physically, at least. Mentally, well, he was certain that there was always--


He moved his face away, shooting Rose a look. "What was that for?" he asked, putting on a perplexed look to hide his irritation.


ros beat me in the post war-taking advantage of open tag exploringdaniel July 16 2009, 20:56:15 UTC
Since Daniel heard about the Master's injury, he desperately wanted to visit him. The Master...he didn't know what sort of relationship they had, but Daniel cared for the man.

So, he barreled into the infirmary and skidded to a halt. Walking up to the bed, Daniel smiled at Rose and nodded, acknowledging her. She was stroking his cheek. ...what? Didn't the Master attack her a while ago? Why would she be stroking his cheek?

"Hey," Daniel simply said. And then, he turned towards the Master. "Are you okay?"


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soundof_drums July 16 2009, 22:05:46 UTC
"Trying to..." He arched an eyebrow, then looked up at Daniel's arrival. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the question, and instead gave a little shrug... which must have looked extra pathetic while he was wearing a too-big hospital gown. "I'm alive," he said, in lieu of a real answer.


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exploringdaniel July 17 2009, 03:59:59 UTC
"Yeah, I noticed that," Daniel said, smirking slightly at the Master. "How are you feeling? When I recovered from being dead, I felt like absolute crap for a while." When I recovered from being dead. It was so odd that he could nonchalantly say that both at home and on the barge.

Turning to Rose, he smiled at her. "I'm Daniel Jackson," Daniel said, holding out his hand for Rose to shake.


SORRY had to away for a while soundof_drums July 17 2009, 05:54:57 UTC
"Why wouldn't you?" he asked, sounding genuinely confused. Naturally, it was all an act. Hey, just because he's recently deceased, it didn't mean the Master couldn't still have some fun.

Then, to Daniel again: "I'm recovering well enough. What can I say?" A wink. "I'm a natural."


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Pffth what posting order soundof_drums July 18 2009, 03:02:11 UTC
"Nonsense. Everybody is, at heart," he murmured, frowning for a bit, before grinning. "Or hearts. Even-- nooo, especially the Doctor." He cocked his head, glancing over at Rose. "You must be a truly exceptional person if there isn't even one, tiiiny impulse telling you to take advantage of me in this state?"


exploringdaniel July 19 2009, 02:49:40 UTC
"Yeah, I'm a warden," he simply said, nodding at Rose.

"Stop it," Daniel simply said, glaring at the Master. "I don't know Rose that well, but I know that she wouldn't do anything like that." He hoped. "Not all of humanity's as screwed up as you all think we are. People are inherately good at heart, not evil. That's part of humanity."


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